This temple was so massive that from the bottom to the top of it, it was the same height level as the Eiffel tower while the depth and width were that of a grand football stadium. The entrance to this mysterious temple was just a couple of meters away from where Daniel stood with there being a flight of stairs which lead to this grand entrance in front of him.
Behaving like he was currently feeling overwhelmed the moment the temple had appeared in front of him Daniel went down on his knees and he practically threw his body to the ground, crunching an all fours like a child as tears of regret filled his eyes, grabbing a handful of ground padding as he wried and wailed remorsefully."Please forgive me High Ones. I know I have sinned beyond redemption. It was my duty to protect the Passage Way and judge whoever is to use it, weighing their hearts and then decide who is pure to access its Chambers, your Chambers and have their desires given to them, but i
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*PUSH*Panicking, the balanced fuse he had made with the wall was terminated and he was pushed off to the ground where he held his head and began to rant to himself like a crazy person."They never left? They are still here! In this world and no one knows where. This is the end!" He cried out then suddenly residual memories from the wall interrupted his current thought and he saw that the one who he had originally judged and allowed to use the Passage Way used it yet again and he hadn't returned since then and then the memory left him so he was back to what he was doingEven though it was good news that one of his assailants was no longer around, Sōl was more preoccupied with the others who stayed behind because compared to the one who had left these others were even more powerful and seemed more sinister and as someone who fought them for the short time he did while they ambushed him he could tell that very well. Also, because of what those others w
In a straight line Daniel continued to soar the sky, with his current projection looking like he was intentionally aiming at the sun and that was first proven when he had to first pierce through the lower clouds and he did that with so much speed that they had no other choice other than to part ways. From that point, the higher he went the colder it got all around until all over his body were frost gradually being formed, encasing his body and uniform. This he looked at and then smirked.Although there being reduced oxygen at the atmospheric level he currently was, the silver haired man wasn't having any issues with breathing nor was he having any with the cold that surrounded him which is enough to freeze any normal person to death, but because he wasn't normal and had now gone beyond even his own limits as an Arc Agent, Daniel had now attained a new realm of power level that is beyond imagination or physical limitations.He continued to ascend and when he
While falling and having a hard time keeping it together the tasked drones followed him, continuing to fire the disruption sound waves at him because they calculation that if they were to let off for even a second it would be enough for him to recover and turn the battle in his favour. Their current success for the moment was because they caught the man off guard as being in stealth mode he hadn't seen them ahead of him and since they attacked with a sound wave first it had hit him before he could even get close enough to the other types of ammunition to see them.Just as he struggled on his fall while grunting in pain, Daniel went on the defensive the best way he could at the moment, allowing his aura to leak out as he activated MALICE and with MALICE he's able to control and manipulate the vector force of anything he touches either directly or indirectly with his aura. This was how he managed to control the bullets that that female Upriser who was pretending to be und
"Mark, Vinon, Zinon, Merc, Zinex, Red, Finite, Ring, Rebirth, Infinity"Said at random and these are all words with completely different meanings, with some not even having any specific meaning at all, however, if spoken in this order and to a specific individual then it means the difference in what personality has dominance over their body.A couple hours earlier at The World Island prison visitation room, these exact words were spoken to a clueless Charlie Boyle and by an individual who he could swear he had never seen before which was mostly due to how long they had managed to grow their hair to cover their face. As well as the uniform hat they had, helping in concealing their countenance even more with.This individual wore a military uniform and a high ranking one at that, with multiple stars and badges adorned on them which was to distinguish them from others less ranked. Seeing the physical change in Boyo's countenance and internalizing the sw
"Hey, look! Who's that over there?" one of the GHA officers in the security check point asked the other there with him, pointing at an approaching Bearl with a baton he had in hand.It wasn't common for anyone to come through the checkpoint by this time of the day if at all, least especially by feet and not with a four-wheel vehicle. The most common way they've ever seen a surprise visit like this was with the person coming via helicopter, just like how Daniel had done. On the other hand, everyone else normally comes with the standard GHA worker's bus that picks all the officers and agents from their home and take them all the way here.These two looked surprised because they don't remember anyone going out to now be returning but Bearl allowed then to finish talking before he would give a response to any questions they had for him because they are yet to ask him any. He had just walked up to the checkpoint with his head lowered and concealed by the hat so
"So what seems to be the problem Agent?" Gabriel said, at first backing Bearl with one hand in his pocket and the other holding on to something small that remained out of view from the Agent behind but then turning around to face the man which finally revealed in hand was his favourite gold plated Stopwatch. An accessory which he would later stuff inside his trouser pocket after staring at it and the at Bearl for a good three seconds.Getting into character like he had done before while at the checkpoint, Bearl stepped into the room but sneezed the moment he did and this was after Gabriel had gestured for him to do so, giving the hatted man permission to walk into the office which was something that almost never happens to any Agent.Normally, for a long time, only two people have been known to have permission into Gabriel's office and those two people are Michael, his son, and Roman King, his right hand man and this is knowledge that had been passed on to Bearl
*STAGGER* Bearl was feeling like he was just about to pass out and wasn't seeing clearly but as he looked through the door that all these Agents and Officers were coming through he tried his best to get as much information as he could as a last dish act as this was a reflex of his training. While he was doing that he could swear the room looked like it was a hospital room with observation kits everywhere and he saw what could be mistaken as one frail leg which was when his body gave in and he dropped to the ground. "I won't let myself be used against the movement" Bearl said before taking out a suicide pill he had somewhere in his mouth and biting on it. This pill which is normally hidden in an artificial tooth is very fast acting and is supposed to kill the consumer within the first five seconds of ingesting it and as the Officers and Agents surrounded Bearl, trying to cuff him after being pinned down and place the Anti Will Neck Brace on
Looming over the Metro City's High courthouse were a handful of Stealth drones, making sure to keep close watch of the perimeter and by so doing keeping the Uprisers on the scene aware of any potential threats that might be approaching. They're also meant to stop anything from getting close enough to then be considered a threat to the UprisersOnce in a while, one of the uprisers who had access to the footage from the stealth drones would check on his display screen and see what they were seeing. Every form of view they had was available to him and unknown to every Upriser there, a threat which couldn't even be sensed, let alone captured by the Stealth drones for this Upriser to see because of how fast it was moving was headed directly for them and was already on a straight road, leading directly to the courthouse."Gotta keep moving faster than the drones can notice me, just like what Nate said" Angel who had the courthouse in sight already and was in hype
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I just want to say a big THANK YOU to every single reader that was able to get this far. Thanks for picking up this story and continuing with it even when the writing wasn't as good at the beginning and when the plot was feeling flat because I wasn't in a good head space or had enough free time to write what I wanted. Thank you for helping me grow as an author and tell my story and get your thoughts on it through the comments. Thank you for following me to the end of this journey. It's been almost two years since I started and finally the story comes to an end (or does it?) If you noticed I was kind of making things up as I went along which is why there are a few plot holes and things I forgot I had written before that didn't tie in well with the continuity of the story. This is my first ever book so a few mistakes are to be expected but regardless I apologise for them. I wanted to use this medium to both declare my appreciation for you guys as well as to pas
I had called my handler to meet me by a nearby coffee shop and by the time I got there he was already seated, waiting for me. Normally I avoid contact with him because it's always him hounding me about something but this was the first time in a long time that I was the one doing the reaching out."Sorry to keep you waiting Nick" I shook his hand then sat down."No problem, so, what is the purpose of this unexpected meeting""I want you to tell me everything about the Arc Agents and what the GHA's real objective is" I didn't waste anytime to ask the real questions.Nick was shocked by the bluntness of my question then tried to deny everything I asked and said in that meeting, gaslighting me most of the time and so it ended up with me not getting any worthwhile information out of him. The meeting took place before I had to go for work so without getting anywhere we ended it and I went to work but I knew that my questions wouldn't stay with Nick but wo
"Please make it in time""If I do this then maybe it'll make up for the fact that all of this happened because I jumped back""Please make it in time"I was currently stuck in a hellish nightmare which was entirely guilt driven. Every action and consequences of said action replayed in my head, panicking, unable to find peace until I woke up with a *GASP*After forcefully waking up, I reached for something with my hand only for that to be the ceiling of someplace I couldn't recognize or knew how I got there. I would pant, trying to catch my breath when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my chest.My teeth gritted and eyes squinting in pain, I reached for the source of this excruciating pain which was when I noticed the medical equipments I was hooked to and that I was on a hospital bed."This is familiar" I said internally after thinking of how it reminded me of waking up in a hospital as my host, the last time I jumped into the pas
Mirajh jumped off from the top of the drone and they walked up to the others and because Mirajh was there, Talon quickly relinquished his temporarily given authority in favour of hers."Mirajh and Malkome, you guys made it. So what's going on?" Talon asked."It's over, all our forces have been killed and from the looks of it, we are the only ones left so the question now should be, what should we do next?"Once she said that all their forces had been killed, there was a unanimous dropping of jaws and none of them expected that it could have gotten this bad. They had completely underestimated the Arc Agents and the trainees. The GHA weren't even able to send their Forces Units to assist but the trainees alone along with help from the Arc Agents were able to decimate their entire forces."What about General Icon, does any of you know his whereabouts? If we can verify his status then we might be able to come up with a plan" Talon asked but seeing the look on
Levy who was close by and saw when Akarli was taking aim jumped in front of Boyo, trying to shield him with her body while I was beside the both of them, noticing too late until the shot had been fired.Jeremiah who the shot pulled back to his senses and he saw who she was firing at, the care he had for his best friend even though he didn't want to admit it made him lose it and reflexively he fired multiple shots at Akarli too, killing her on the spot next to Icon.All of this would happen in an instant but for some reason, because I didn't want any of my friends to be shot so badly that I dont know what happened but just like when that strange phenomenon happened back at the court during our escape and I managed to find where Boyo was because of it, it happened all over again.Suddenly everything began to slow down and the surrounding got pitch black with the only thing being as visible as day time were those in there with an angered Akarli holding on to the gu
Once we were brought to the back, my eyes went to the elderly looking man sitting on a metallic chair with a caramel skin coloured lady by his right hand side. In front of them I saw two more individuals who weren't turned to us at the time we entered. One of them I couldn't tell their identity from their stature but the other I knew perfectly well who it was. "Char!" Before I could get the word out Levy called out to Boyo who once the both of them turned we saw an annoyed look on his face and it was clear by that look that he didn't want us to be there. The Upriser behind us pushed the both of us, telling Levy and I to keep on walking which we did until we walked up to where Boyo and the others were. "Nice to meet you, the both of you" Icon greeted us with a gentle smile which was obvious that he was hiding something from everyone, including those who were supposed to be his comrades in there. There was still something he failed to expose. "!!" Levy
""A journal?!"" Both Boyo and Jeremiah exclaimed."Yes... SIGH... A very long time ago, way before our formerly great nation was completely destroyed, former General Franklin Crow brought a younger me to one of his expeditions but this want just any regular expedition. It all started with him unintentionally finding the Philosophers Stone which brought about the rebirth and Emergence of our greatest soldier Anthony Wonne on one of his trips into the United States territory, allowing us to tap into a power that was only secret to our enemies. At that time and I had just been born so my father was the one who spearheaded the position I would later get when I was old enough so none of them knew that that small piece of attractive stone had such power hidden within it until years later, moments before the fall of the Old Soviet Alliance territory"Icon spoke with vivid words so that they would be carried along to where he was heading to."Being a curious man and thi
"Holy shit, what's that up there?" I couldn't help but exclaim while I and Levy tried our best to sneak into the slaughter house. We were moving very carefully, trying not to make any noise when my eyes just went up to the sky and I saw some strange looking patterns being created. "Shush Samuels, do you want to get us caught?" Levy reprimanded me with a low tone of voice but when she turned around to face me and do that she saw the awe stricken expression I had and my gaze up to the sky and she too followed. "What are you looking at?" she had her eyebrows scrunched. The moment she asked that question, my eyes flicked to her and I saw that she too was looking up to the sky but instantly realised the fact that she most definitely wasn't seeing what I was seeing. 'Don't tell me that I'm really the only one who sees that thing? No, that must be it because with her keen senses she would have noticed it even before I did if she could see it. Am I perh
Because the GIGANTA MACHINA worked like one big system, when the center of it was torn apart and the Stealth Drones that made up that part being completely destroyed the rest separated and returned to being Drones but because of what happened to the fused system the Stealth device they had was damaged and the separated drones were no longer able to go invisible.They all flew in different paths, dividing into those wanting to attack the trainees and those wanting to attack Michael but Michael acted quickly and changed where the outlet of the explosion was and used that to sweep the drones coming for him until all the explosion energy had been exhausted. From that point he attacked every single drone in the air with his BLACK FORCE-FIELD BLADE, not giving any the chance to attack the trainees but that meant that he had a lot to take care of on his own.With all their Force-fields no longer a viable option for defense and all the trainees they had to go against rea