The man who everyone reveres to as the number one ranking GHA Arc Agent placed his left had on his chin with his chin pressed in-between his thumb and index finger which points to the right while the other three were clenched underneath his chin, supporting the weight of his entire head on them. He also had his right hand crossed to the other side of his chest and tucked under his armpit as he thought deeply, trying to be steps ahead of a war which has already started.

While in deep concentration as he stared at the overview of the nation's districts and cities one of the Agents got up from his seat with a tablet in his hand and a concerned look on his face. This agent in particular walked up to Roman King with a hurried gait, extending the tablet out and turning it's position right-side-up to face what was being displayed on the screen to his superior.

"Sir!" The Agent said

"What is this?" Roman King flicked his eyes from the massive monitors
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