"I asked one of the Agents to relay the information to you on where you all should be heading towards to converge and he should the there right about now to hand over the— Oh, there he is now" Roman said while one of the GHA Agents who had stepped into the perimeter of footage that was being shown on the Holo image passed on to Adam a display board.

On being handed to Adam, the display board switched on and a message was shown on it to Adam and few of the other trainees in his level who were close enough to see what the message was. Those few other trainees were amongst the best ranking in that level and also all members of Adam's own team. Together they made up a team of four.

"Got it?" Roman asked

"Got it Sir, we'll be right there!" Adam said then handed the display board back to the Agent who walked out of the footage and then out of the area while Adam turned around to face all the trainees he had behind him in his level to pass on th
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