"""WHAT!!?""" Everyone everywhere which this broadcast was being watched by had a moment of unanimous exclamation as they all couldn't believe what they just heard with their own ears.

"The truth about the Pyrex 9 virus? What the hell does that mean?" Paul mumbled, paying close attention so he doesn't miss anything being said.

The masked individual continued "About two decades ago the president of the GHA, Gabriel Beldior Valestein, who is indeed a very terrifying man, stumbled upon a one of a kind gemstone, a boy who so happened to possess inhumanly abilities and that knowledge was shared only with those in power with those big names including your nation's former presidents, the military general directly under him as well as the rulers of your Three Kingdoms. Like all power hungry maniacs who aren't satisfied with the stolen resources your ancestors gave to them they still sought for a way to make more of this gemstone but tried to keep everything under wra
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