035 - Buying Shares

G Corporation Conference Room:

"No, Mr. George, this is becoming out of hand. We are investors, we invest our money into this business to earn profit and not suffer from losses. How can you tell us to calm down after such a huge thing has happened?

Maxwell Fisher, G Corporation's Primary shareholder shouted at the top of his lungs. For weeks now he had been trying to call for a board meeting but somehow, Hendrix George managed to suppress him.

Maxwell was unhappy about the drastic drop in stick of G Corporation. He is a businessman and he understands that if something isn't done urgently, his investments are going to suffer greatly.

"I already said that this will be sorted out. Please, you have to calm down. We've risen and fallen over the years however, we are still firm and unshakeable in the country's top companies ruling the economy. This is just another drop back. Evans and I are working on it. Besides, the new technology facilities will soon be out and it'll awe the market."

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