045 - Two Shadows

Adams' Room:

Glancing through the dimly lit room, Ashley Woods felt her heart race. The room was quiet and full. The walls, unlike other rooms, were painted in gray and silver. The room was lifeless. She placed her hand on the table, and a smile soon spread across her lips.

The door of the bathroom opens. Adams stride out, a white towel dangerously tied around his waist. His body has beads of water. And there were droplets of water from his hair.

"Why are you here?"

Adam's baritone voice was deep. He casually walked forward, nonchalant and unbothered by her presence in his room.

"To return your this." She held the chain up for him to see. Adams reached out to take it w

But she withdrew her hand.

"You're lonely Adams. You don't have to pretend in front of me."

Ashley walked closer to him.

"I know I was wrong in the past. I did a lot of bad things and you probably dislike me for it which is acceptable. But, we're still friends, you can talk to me."

She was now close to him. Ashley hu
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