089 - Arc (#1) Epilogue

Description: Arc (#1) Epilogue.

Adams revealed a shocking secret: he had known about Julius' evil plans all along; Including all the heinous plans and evil killings however, he chose to remain silent and lure him into his bait.

His friends were stunned, unable to believe Julius was so wicked. Although Aleric knew Julius was somewhat connected to Elizabeth's death and had lots of evil dealing which reflected how he had taken over D’Smith Enterprise, he did not expect he was as deep into being second Lucifer.

They were relieved he was gone but saddened by Aiden's involvement in his death. Anyone could have killed him but it so happens that Aiden stepped in before Adams could. After those events, Aiden's whereabouts remained a mystery, but the group didn't pursue it, instead, everyone moved forward with their lives.

Anna did not blame anyone after everything. She was mature enough to understand what circumstances could cause. She decided to take a break to grieve her loss.

Adams also dis
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