"H-how? How did you do that to me? How did you do that to Dwine? Why did you do that to us?!" Sarah shouted in front of her mother.

The woman didn't say anything and just stare at her like she has a lot of things to say but couldn't find her voice to speak. Her secret already uncovered by the Royal blood, if not because of them, if not because the king invited them to come, the situation wouldn't be like this.

"I'm growing up with the thought you carved in my brain that I should be the one who have to marry the crowned prince! But he is my brother?! Why? Why didn't you tell me earlier?! Why now that I already love him as my mate?!" Sarah shouted again.

The man who had just mentioned look up and just listening to the conversation in front of him while holding the unconscious body of Elijah. So, Sarah is his biological sister, then maybe that's the reason why he can't be affected by her pheromones.

"I-I'm sorry.." Carmen released the neck of the woman who is now ab
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