16: Raiding a test dungeon (2)

As Alice stood before the class, a series of thoughts raced through her mind. She couldn't help but feel a mixture of reluctance and curiosity about this unexpected situation. She knew that Yanzi was the one who had put her up to this, and she couldn't refuse her dear friend's request.

"I hope this won't be too much of a hassle," Alice thought to herself, her brows furrowing slightly. Being the guild master of the Lotus guild meant that her time was already stretched thin with responsibilities and missions. She wondered how she would manage to balance her guild duties with assisting in teaching this class.

Alice glanced at the students, noting the whispers and surprised expressions. It was clear that her reputation as the most powerful hunter and guild master preceded her. While she appreciated the respect, she also hoped that her presence wouldn't overshadow Miss Yanzi's authority in the classroom.

Taking a deep breath, Alice reminded herself of the importance of this opportunity. I
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