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I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY ONE
Mei's plane touched down late in the evening. The dark airport cast long shadows as she made her way through the arrivals hall.Exhaustion lingered on her face, but she couldn't wait to see Kayla after several weeks burying their experiences together.The air was crisp, and Mei felt a mixture of excitement and weariness as she stepped outside, scanning the area for Kayla's familiar face.Amidst the sea of people, she spotted Kayla standing by her car, her eyes fixed on the arrival gate. Mei approached, and their eyes met in a silent exchange of joy. Hugging tightly, the two friends exchanged pleasantries before Mei noticed a subtle emptiness in Kayla's gaze.As they drove through the quiet city streets, Mei couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.The air inside the car was heavy with unspoken words. Mei was a very perceptive young lady, she couldn't abandon the idea that someone was wrong with Kayla, and so she gently probed, "Kayla, is everything okay?"Kayla hesitated,
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY TWO
Mei stood in the kitchen, a canvas of culinary possibilities spread out before her.The tantalizing aroma of spices filled the air as she began her dance with the ingredients, each movement deliberate and precise.Her fingers gracefully wielded the cleaver, an extension of her culinary prowess.She started by meticulously washing fresh bok choy, the emerald leaves glistening with droplets of water. Her hands moved with a seasoned grace, slicing the vegetables into uniform strips.The rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the cutting board echoed in the kitchen, a symphony of preparation.Next, she focused on the tender slices of chicken, marinating them in a blend of soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. The aroma intensified as she gently massaged the flavors into the meat, ensuring every piece absorbed the essence of the marinade.Mei's hands moved like a conductor guiding an orchestra, each motion a harmonious contribution to the culinary composition.As the ingredients marinated, Mei turne
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY THREE
Grant sat at the large mahogany desk in his spacious corner office overlooking the city skyline.There was a quiet knock at the door before one of his secretaries, Amanda, entered. An intelligent woman in her late 30s, she had proven herself indispensable with her sharp business acumen and insight over the years."Good morning, Grant. I have an update on The Johns Conglomerate as you have asked me to… if you have a moment to discuss," Amanda said, taking a seat across from his desk."Good morning. Yes, let's talk," Grant replied.Amanda slid a file across the desk. "As you know, The Johns conglomerate recently merged with Zhou group. All indications are that the relationship between them is progressive but the merger deal itself has not been completed.”“Not completed? Why?”“I discovered that the chairman of Zhong gave a rule that the deal cannot be signed until both their son and daughter get married.”Grant smiled interestingly.“So the wedding day is when they sign the deal?”Aman
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY FOUR
The National Prosecution Office occupied an imposing marble building downtown.Grant stepped into the towering lobby, his shoes clicking across the polished floors. He was meeting his old friend Julian who had risen to become a distinguished prosecutor respected for integrity in pursuing justice. Grant and Julian went years back, initially meeting in law school before careers diverged - Grant to business and Julian carrying on his family’s legacy in the justice system.But they remained close friends despite busy schedules.Reaching Julian’s office on the 5th floor, Grant was warmly welcomed by his secretary Joan before entering the room lined with legal volumes.Julian had a commanding presence that drew people's attention when he entered a room.Standing over six feet tall, he had broad shoulders and a muscular build from regular weightlifting sessions. His dark brown hair was just starting to show specks of gray at the temples, and his hazel eyes appeared thoughtful behind thin-r
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY FIVE
Amanda pulled up to the bustling airport, expertly maneuvering her sleek black sedan into the pick-up lane.She stepped out, smoothing her emerald business suit and straightening the visitor pass hanging around her neck. Pushing blonde hair behind pierced ears, her direct blue eyes scanned signs directing towards the North Terminal arrivals.Weaving expertly between travelers hugging loved ones and drivers holding name placards, Amanda made her way past columns soaring stories overhead crisscrossed by walkways.Sunlight flooded through floor to ceiling windows revealing planes taxiing like tiny toys. The cavernous terminal buzzed with a blend of languages mingling with rolling suitcase wheels.Amanda rode a long escalator up to the second level mezzanine overlooking the bustling scene below.Leaning casually against a pillar studying his phone, she spotted a lanky young man around college age wearing faded jeans and a bright pink hoodie.His overstuffed hiking backpack leaned against
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY SIX
“I didn't expect you to come to me…” Reynold said.He leaned back to his chair, he wasn't in any place to be acting bossy but after a lot of exercise in one day, he was feeling very tired.“I know I have to… I just haven't gotten time for it yet.”Reynold stared at the person seated in front of him for a few seconds and sighed heavily.“I suppose Kayla's office has been quite busy?”Lei nodded her head.“Strangely the Prosecution Office here is getting interested in our business. And with the arrival of Zhang Mei, she has been very busy.”She reported. Waiting a few seconds before she looked into his eyes and uttered.“I heard about what happened.”“I'm not surprised you did. If you heard about it, why are you reporting to me… after all Tate and Sean had put you on a recent assigment.”“You're right. They indeed ask me to do something else recently. But you also right, they don't have my best interest at heart.” She breathed.“They just want to use me and throw me away.”Reynold smile
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY SEVEN
As Reynold sped off into the night, the gravity of the situation weighed on him. Whoever had dug deep enough to uncover buried details of his past had proven themselves a formidable foe.Old memories threatened to cloud his judgment - the high stakes and disciplinary hearing sophomore year that nearly derailed his academic and ambitions before they began, filled his head. He had walked the line since, hiding any further brushes with authority behind a polished veneer of perfection.Now, years of carefully managing his image hung by a rapidly unraveling thread. Reynold gripped the steering wheel to ground himself against the rising tide of anger and resentment the memories evoked.This was exactly why he preferred to work alone rather than trust others who would inevitably disappoint or betray. Except for Kayla...Shaking his head, he refocused on the task at hand - a rendezvous with his cyber security contact, Orion.As one of the top ethical hackers in the country, Orion consulted wi
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER EIGHTY EIGHT
Lei suppressed a shiver against the night air as she walked briskly back to her apart after dropping off Kayla, replaying the conversation with Reynold.His cold, murderous words kept resurfacing in her mind. What had she gotten herself into by coming to him for help? Was it a mistake… what was he hiding? It bothered her but the desperation of her situation left few options. For now, an uneasy alliance would have to suffice. That way she could keep Kayla in the dark while she solve the issue.And she hadn’t really been liking Kayla's mood these days. Everyday she spent with her boss was internally torturous.Returning to her cramped studio apartment, Lei booted up the secured communication app Sean and Tate had installed on her phone.She stared numbly trying to compose her next message to Sean and Tate, the cursor blinking accusingly. Finally steeling herself, she began typing:"I met with target yesterday. Persona seems rational at first but there are definitely signs of deep instab
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One life ends. Another begins. Such was the world.That was what Rey was thinking as he fondled his ten-month-old baby girl distractedly. He still felt empathy toward Hamish, even though it irritated him. Hamish was his brother-in-law. He shouldn't try to kill him. Nobody's brother-in-law should try to kill him. But unfortunately, that was life. Things happened even when they were absurd, even when they where undesirable.They had charged Hamish and his aide, Sparks, with manslaughter, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder. Whenever Reynolds thought about it, he shook his head. It was bad. If either of the two men received a light sentence, it would be life. That was what Hamish got for throwing his life away. On the other hand, the world had not skipped a beat. The three of them had recovered fully (at least physically) himself, Kayla, and the Chairman. The Chairman was no longer a 'Chairman,' corporately, legally, and technically. To Reynolds he was now only a father in-
Sparks was looking for that one lucky strike.He had tailed Hamish, parked far from sight, approached the building on foot, scaled the fence and come in unnoticed. All according to plan. He knew Hamish was with Reynolds already, and they had been speaking for a few minutes. Hopefully, the stage was well set for his arrival.He went round the building, loathing that he had to use the stairs instead of the elevator. His job always sucked and he hated it.The building was generally deserted as planned. Yes... perfect. At the bottom of the stairs he paused, said a lucky prayer, then set the timer on his watch. Ten minutes for everything... Godspeed.****Hamish and the Chairman stared at each other in bewilderment for seconds."I heard you son. Everything you said," his father told him. For a moment Hamish's mind was blank as he stood transfixed, still holding Reynolds at gun point. Slowly he collected himself, becoming even angrier."I'm not upset at you. Only disappointed. But I don't
If there could be any reason to spare Sparks life and dispose of him, it was the fact that he had an instinct. He hadn't been a henchman these years for nothing. He knew a trap when he saw one. So, when he phoned the doctor requesting to have the package ready by noon, he became aware that he was not speaking to him.Well, technically, he was. But situationally, he wasn't. The doctor was damaged goods now. He sensed that the guy was bugged.How it happened, he had no idea. But it happened real fast.He phoned Hamish and told him. They'd have to take care of the guy, but not too soon, so they don't throw off a scent. It was a tricky situation for the tricky-minded. The better move now, Hamish told him, was to go directly for Reynolds.There were reasons for this. Beforehand, he had noticed that Kayla had vanished from the hospital ward where she was being treated. Of course, he didn't ask questions or raise suspicions (since the hospital staff couldn't link him to Kayla). But Hamish
There was one more person to put away when the scheme was done with. That doctor.As much as Hamish hated to deal with it, another clumsy character on the scene meant another loose end. He was going to go all out till he got his package... and till it worked. They he'd pay the man in full before making him disappear.Of course basic logic would question his choice of paying first. He just thought it necessary to stick to one's part of a deal no matter what. So he'd pay the man's family for his service, then kill him. He knew he'd needed a new aide for that job, since Sparks would have to go, too. Either in the process or after the process.In fact, he had started to feel a sense of urgency to do away with Sparks before something spilled. The man was already becoming disgruntled. He was already becoming too important. Nobody became too important with Hamish.But first Sparks needed to get the dirty work done, before he eliminated and dissociated him.****When Benny launched himself
Doctor Benny liked the concept of a bright future. He had always liked it and other terms like it. Future. Success. Opportunity. Yes, that one. Opportunity. There wasn't very much of it for him in his profession. He wasn't poor or anything—of course he had stuff to be grateful for. But he sensed it could be more. So he tried to get more.Wen he had got the call from Hamish's aide to get a lethal solution ready, he, as any rational person, did not like it. But what choice did he have? His wife was a compulsive shopper and his children sometimes forgot he wasn't a billionaire. So he asked himself what he had to lose and the answer was not much. He didn't know if he had a strong or weak conscience. He only knew he could use the money they were offering. He took the offer. He had hoped it would be a one-off thing. Prepare the solution, have it delivered, get his money, forget any of it ever happened. Now it was staring him on the face. That was the problem with crime. It made for str
Impatiently, the Chairman waited for Rey to arrive. More than clarity, he needed to prove to his son-in-law—and himself—that he was mistaken. If they hadn't been from Rey, he would have paid the messages no heed. He found it rather confusing under the given circumstances. He waited in his topfloor office in the conglomerate that morning, when he should have been busy with other concerns. Reynolds needed to explain. It was not that the strings had no connection whatsoever. No, the Chairman wasn't imprudent. It was the way they connected. And the who they connected to. Those were the things he could not accept. At least, not without hard, infallible proof.His desk phone beeped and he picked it up. It was Rezei, asking if he wanted to see Reynolds."Yes, let him come," he said. Then he glanced sharply at the central air conditioner, feeling like the temperature in the room had fallen by a hinedered degrees Celsius in one second. The door opened almost immediately to reveal Reynolds
Hamish was painstaking meticulous at planning. He knew when things could go slow, when they could go fast, and when they needed to go fast. Killing Rey was a fast game. It had to be if it would be played, as it was also a cagey game. Not that he was not a cagey man, or that he doubted his own genius. His master-mind. Rather, because he knew that perfection was not cheap, and if you were going to kill your next-door neighbour without taking a dent, you required perfection.He had two usable routes. One was direct: strike Rey. This required precision and care, seeing as the man had become his father's favourite. The other was a bit more accommodating: Strike Rey through Kayla. That is, strike Kayla, and when it impacted and exposed Reynolds, he’d then put the man to rest permanently.Being the genius that he was, Hamish kept both routes open. It would be like a double barrel, a kill-both-birds-with-one-stone formula. He was almost enjoying the prospect. All his track would be clean.
The police never got around to finding Riker. He was ghost, they said. Came and went as he pleased. In truth, he was aboard the next flight out of the country after the Johns foiled his coup. With his absence came peace. The Chairman gave Reynolds a position in the company to work alongside Hamish. Kayla's baby continued to grow, her belly ballooned, pushing against her buttons. For the couple and the Johns, the world seemed a kindlier place.All except Hamish.He was angered by the turn of events, especially with Reynolds' new position as his managerial superior. Bloody Reynolds? His Superior! They had no inkling what he was capable of. Maybe he would have to show them. By himself this time. He would restore his honor by taking out all his enemies and their accomplices, in any form they manifested. Including those who directly limited him, and those who did so indirectly, by being dumb and sluggish, by playing with his goals.The first, perfect victim would be Grant.Luckily, a d
The tracker vanished all of a sudden and Jovian's head jerked with a start. He had been watching his wearable monitor almost boredly up till it happened. “What the--?" He spat."What?" asked Ceneau who had also been observant."Do we move?" one of the aides asked. Jovian nodded. He dd not want to say that the tracker had been lost. They'd just drive to where it was last seen.Everybody prepared hastily. Even Ceneau fiddled with a rifle he probably couldn't use. They piled in and hit the gas, hard.****The first thing Reizei did was strike the overhead sensor. He guessed that damaging it could shut the mantap on one end (for both doors) and lock half the guards out momentarily. And it worked. The only people to cross were the three of them, Riker, and about half the escort party.Once Reynolds grabbed the nearest guard's gun, he had acted, ramming his fist into the circular sensor above his head. There were screams, including his.The Chairman scrambled. The guard behind Reizei gra