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I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & TWELVE
Kayla had no words for Lei, and Lei did not seem to have any words for her either. They drove all the way to the house in terse silence. Soon her assistant was pulling the car to a halt in front of the house."Here we are, ma'am." Lei said.She left the vehicle running and it rumbled quietly. Kayla considered telling the woman to go to hell and never show her face at her house again, but there was a tugging in her chest that pulled her towards Lei. Yes, the woman was her aide and assistant, her bodyguard and confidant. But at the same time, she was her friend. Lei had grown up with her and had watched her cry, lash out out her brothers, feel joy in all its brightnesses, grieve in silence, grieve loudly, loathe, love. So many things, infact, and that’s why now as she stood, she ran her finger across her silver ring and let herself think."Your mother," she said finally. "Is she safe?"The question seemed to stun her assistant into reticence. She gripped the wheel, her shoulders hunc
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & THIRTEEN
It was raining when Mei arrived in the city, days before the wedding. Kayla's stomach rumbled with unease when the woman told her she was at the airport on her way. The Upper East side of the city was known for its abundance of luxury brands and elegant boutiques. There you could find the finest of dresses at the most exorbitant rates. Just the kind of thing the wealthy and the opulent hankered for. Being the daughter of a man like Zhang, Kayla was not surprised that Mei travelled all the way from one continent to another to shop for a dress. She cancelled all her activities for the day to meet the woman, all the while cursing Tate for forcing the job on her only to steal the title and her position.She got Lei to drive her to the airport and pick the woman up. Mei glowed at the sight of Kayla. She hugged her sideways in the vehicle."Hey!" She said, her accent curled around the word and made softer than it would have sounded on the tongue of another.Kayla returned the embrace. "H
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & FOURTEEN
"Welcome back, Mr Johns." The flight attendant said cheerily.Her smile was the whitest thing Ceneau had ever seen, which was saying a lot as he grew up in a family of people whose dentition were made perfect by many years of orthodontics."Thank you," he told her grudgingly.The sun was out and bright, a flat golden blot in the sky. It burned his eyes with its brightness. He wanted to make sure his last night in São Paulo was well spent, so he spent it at another club. Hours of partying at nighttime tended to make the eyes burn in daylight.Ceneau plucked his sunglasses from the breast pocket of his jacket and put it on. Behind him, Gaude descended from the stairs. Jovian followed closely behind. The man had been the one who snapped him out of his haze. He had fallen into a pattern - parties and nightclubs and booze and wine and bars and women, in all the shades they came in. Ceneau figured, if he was going to spend the rest of his life trapped in an arranged marriage with a woman
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & FIFTEEN
They decided that the wedding would be held at the Upper West Side of the city.Kayla's brothers, Sean and Tate, had no clue whatsoever on how to see about a wedding, so she was forced to see to the arrangements personally. It had to be grandeur, she knew.It was Ceneau's wedding after all—him being one of the younger and most affable of the Johns siblings—and the excitement was through the roof. It hung heavy in the air like the scent of blooming jasmine.As much as the family had wanted to keep it as quiet as possible, it appeared on the gossip tabloids and on the gaudy pages of expensive entertainment magazines. Ceneau who was about to be wedded seemed to care the least. He spent most of his time away. When she called to berate him, he smiled into the screen."All I have to do is show up, Kayla. Right?" He asked sweetly.Kayla planed her face in frustration. She was already in charge of the floral arrangements, acquiring the location, and getting all the decorations ready. She su
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & SIXTEEN
As the sun's golden glow started to spill slowly over the length of the city, Reynolds woke up in Kayla's bed. She was lying next to him, having gotten back from work while he was asleep. He smiled at the sight of her, splayed out in bed. Her hair fanned out around the pillow and one of her legs encircled his waist. She slept like a child, messily. It was the only thing she did with any innocence and he was grateful to be the one who woke up next to her each night. Every other thing she did was done carefully with absolute precision. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and at his touch, she squirmed and smile in her sleep. He kissed her forehead and untangled himself from her and the sheets.It was the morning of Ceneau's wedding and Kayla had planned for it for weeks. By all indications, she wanted it to be perfect. He wanted to make sure all her efforts did not go to waste.The day unfolded with a seamless rhythm. He prepared breakfast quickly. It was pumpernickel wa
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & SEVENTEEN
It was going to be long, long, day, Ceneau surmised.Even worse, it was going to be the first day of his life he would be obligated to be with one woman. It was the first day in a long time that he did not wake up to a woman tangled in his sheets. The one week he had stayed in São Paulo was the last week of freedom he would have, and he knew it. He spent his days as he wished, with whom he pleased. He faintly remebered kissing a bartender at the back of the bar, her hand already halfway down his zipper, his, palm in the globe of her buttock. Ceneau sighed. He already missed the vagaries of bachelorhood.Looking at his alarm clock, he saw that it was a few minutes past 5 a.m. It was just hours to his wedding. After his disappearance, the family had kept close watch on him, as if they half expected him to up and vanish one night. The truth was, it was not as though he had not thought of it. He had dreamed of it, in fact. He wanted to book a flight, pack a bag hurriedly and head for
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & EIGHTEEN
Gaude's daily routine had not been broken for a little over ten years.Every morning, he disassembled his handguns and put all the parts together again. Afterwards, he oiled them and made sure that the cartridges were full. Truth was, it had been years since he had had to draw his weapon and fire in defence of anyone. After being assigned to Ceneau Johns, most of the tasks he faced each day were of a more menial nature. He drove his young boss around the city and to events. He served as protection, which too often simply involved standing still in his dark suit and looking tough—an easy skill to acquire after having been trained at the academy. Gaude had worked for Ceneau for so many years, he could no longer trace the memory of being assigned to him back to the beginning. However, if there was one thing he had come to know about the young man, it was that he disappeared whenever he felt overwhelmed.It made the man unique compared to the rest of his kin. The Johns were balls of ra
I Became A Trillionaire After Marrying A Lady Boss CHAPTER HUNDRED & NINETEEN
Rey arrived at the church half an hour before the groom's brothers.He was dressed for the occasion: chukka boots and a black Armani suit that fitted him like a glove. Only a handful of guests were present to witness the ceremony, and they were all dressed like him. Ceneau was yet to arrive at the church and the air was already tense from the waiting. His mother had already assured them that Ceneau was on the way, but Rey doubted it. He knew a lie when he heard one and he could knew a poor liar when he saw one. Ceneau's mother was a terrible liar. Her face was a mask of worry.Sean, Tate and Lloyd whispered frantically among each other at the second time row. Hamish sat with his father at the front row, in his tux, as urbane as always. He smiled and shook the guests when they approached him, as though there was no problem at all. Guests milled about, greeting each other and sharing hand shakes.In the heart of the hustle and bustle, an unsettling hush spread amongst the Johns like r
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One life ends. Another begins. Such was the world.That was what Rey was thinking as he fondled his ten-month-old baby girl distractedly. He still felt empathy toward Hamish, even though it irritated him. Hamish was his brother-in-law. He shouldn't try to kill him. Nobody's brother-in-law should try to kill him. But unfortunately, that was life. Things happened even when they were absurd, even when they where undesirable.They had charged Hamish and his aide, Sparks, with manslaughter, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder. Whenever Reynolds thought about it, he shook his head. It was bad. If either of the two men received a light sentence, it would be life. That was what Hamish got for throwing his life away. On the other hand, the world had not skipped a beat. The three of them had recovered fully (at least physically) himself, Kayla, and the Chairman. The Chairman was no longer a 'Chairman,' corporately, legally, and technically. To Reynolds he was now only a father in-
Sparks was looking for that one lucky strike.He had tailed Hamish, parked far from sight, approached the building on foot, scaled the fence and come in unnoticed. All according to plan. He knew Hamish was with Reynolds already, and they had been speaking for a few minutes. Hopefully, the stage was well set for his arrival.He went round the building, loathing that he had to use the stairs instead of the elevator. His job always sucked and he hated it.The building was generally deserted as planned. Yes... perfect. At the bottom of the stairs he paused, said a lucky prayer, then set the timer on his watch. Ten minutes for everything... Godspeed.****Hamish and the Chairman stared at each other in bewilderment for seconds."I heard you son. Everything you said," his father told him. For a moment Hamish's mind was blank as he stood transfixed, still holding Reynolds at gun point. Slowly he collected himself, becoming even angrier."I'm not upset at you. Only disappointed. But I don't
If there could be any reason to spare Sparks life and dispose of him, it was the fact that he had an instinct. He hadn't been a henchman these years for nothing. He knew a trap when he saw one. So, when he phoned the doctor requesting to have the package ready by noon, he became aware that he was not speaking to him.Well, technically, he was. But situationally, he wasn't. The doctor was damaged goods now. He sensed that the guy was bugged.How it happened, he had no idea. But it happened real fast.He phoned Hamish and told him. They'd have to take care of the guy, but not too soon, so they don't throw off a scent. It was a tricky situation for the tricky-minded. The better move now, Hamish told him, was to go directly for Reynolds.There were reasons for this. Beforehand, he had noticed that Kayla had vanished from the hospital ward where she was being treated. Of course, he didn't ask questions or raise suspicions (since the hospital staff couldn't link him to Kayla). But Hamish
There was one more person to put away when the scheme was done with. That doctor.As much as Hamish hated to deal with it, another clumsy character on the scene meant another loose end. He was going to go all out till he got his package... and till it worked. They he'd pay the man in full before making him disappear.Of course basic logic would question his choice of paying first. He just thought it necessary to stick to one's part of a deal no matter what. So he'd pay the man's family for his service, then kill him. He knew he'd needed a new aide for that job, since Sparks would have to go, too. Either in the process or after the process.In fact, he had started to feel a sense of urgency to do away with Sparks before something spilled. The man was already becoming disgruntled. He was already becoming too important. Nobody became too important with Hamish.But first Sparks needed to get the dirty work done, before he eliminated and dissociated him.****When Benny launched himself
Doctor Benny liked the concept of a bright future. He had always liked it and other terms like it. Future. Success. Opportunity. Yes, that one. Opportunity. There wasn't very much of it for him in his profession. He wasn't poor or anything—of course he had stuff to be grateful for. But he sensed it could be more. So he tried to get more.Wen he had got the call from Hamish's aide to get a lethal solution ready, he, as any rational person, did not like it. But what choice did he have? His wife was a compulsive shopper and his children sometimes forgot he wasn't a billionaire. So he asked himself what he had to lose and the answer was not much. He didn't know if he had a strong or weak conscience. He only knew he could use the money they were offering. He took the offer. He had hoped it would be a one-off thing. Prepare the solution, have it delivered, get his money, forget any of it ever happened. Now it was staring him on the face. That was the problem with crime. It made for str
Impatiently, the Chairman waited for Rey to arrive. More than clarity, he needed to prove to his son-in-law—and himself—that he was mistaken. If they hadn't been from Rey, he would have paid the messages no heed. He found it rather confusing under the given circumstances. He waited in his topfloor office in the conglomerate that morning, when he should have been busy with other concerns. Reynolds needed to explain. It was not that the strings had no connection whatsoever. No, the Chairman wasn't imprudent. It was the way they connected. And the who they connected to. Those were the things he could not accept. At least, not without hard, infallible proof.His desk phone beeped and he picked it up. It was Rezei, asking if he wanted to see Reynolds."Yes, let him come," he said. Then he glanced sharply at the central air conditioner, feeling like the temperature in the room had fallen by a hinedered degrees Celsius in one second. The door opened almost immediately to reveal Reynolds
Hamish was painstaking meticulous at planning. He knew when things could go slow, when they could go fast, and when they needed to go fast. Killing Rey was a fast game. It had to be if it would be played, as it was also a cagey game. Not that he was not a cagey man, or that he doubted his own genius. His master-mind. Rather, because he knew that perfection was not cheap, and if you were going to kill your next-door neighbour without taking a dent, you required perfection.He had two usable routes. One was direct: strike Rey. This required precision and care, seeing as the man had become his father's favourite. The other was a bit more accommodating: Strike Rey through Kayla. That is, strike Kayla, and when it impacted and exposed Reynolds, he’d then put the man to rest permanently.Being the genius that he was, Hamish kept both routes open. It would be like a double barrel, a kill-both-birds-with-one-stone formula. He was almost enjoying the prospect. All his track would be clean.
The police never got around to finding Riker. He was ghost, they said. Came and went as he pleased. In truth, he was aboard the next flight out of the country after the Johns foiled his coup. With his absence came peace. The Chairman gave Reynolds a position in the company to work alongside Hamish. Kayla's baby continued to grow, her belly ballooned, pushing against her buttons. For the couple and the Johns, the world seemed a kindlier place.All except Hamish.He was angered by the turn of events, especially with Reynolds' new position as his managerial superior. Bloody Reynolds? His Superior! They had no inkling what he was capable of. Maybe he would have to show them. By himself this time. He would restore his honor by taking out all his enemies and their accomplices, in any form they manifested. Including those who directly limited him, and those who did so indirectly, by being dumb and sluggish, by playing with his goals.The first, perfect victim would be Grant.Luckily, a d
The tracker vanished all of a sudden and Jovian's head jerked with a start. He had been watching his wearable monitor almost boredly up till it happened. “What the--?" He spat."What?" asked Ceneau who had also been observant."Do we move?" one of the aides asked. Jovian nodded. He dd not want to say that the tracker had been lost. They'd just drive to where it was last seen.Everybody prepared hastily. Even Ceneau fiddled with a rifle he probably couldn't use. They piled in and hit the gas, hard.****The first thing Reizei did was strike the overhead sensor. He guessed that damaging it could shut the mantap on one end (for both doors) and lock half the guards out momentarily. And it worked. The only people to cross were the three of them, Riker, and about half the escort party.Once Reynolds grabbed the nearest guard's gun, he had acted, ramming his fist into the circular sensor above his head. There were screams, including his.The Chairman scrambled. The guard behind Reizei gra