Impatiently, the Chairman waited for Rey to arrive.

More than clarity, he needed to prove to his son-in-law—and himself—that he was mistaken. If they hadn't been from Rey, he would have paid the messages no heed.

He found it rather confusing under the given circumstances. He waited in his topfloor office in the conglomerate that morning, when he should have been busy with other concerns.

Reynolds needed to explain. It was not that the strings had no connection whatsoever. No, the Chairman wasn't imprudent.

It was the way they connected. And the who they connected to. Those were the things he could not accept. At least, not without hard, infallible proof.

His desk phone beeped and he picked it up. It was Rezei, asking if he wanted to see Reynolds.

"Yes, let him come," he said.

Then he glanced sharply at the central air conditioner, feeling like the temperature in the room had fallen by a hinedered degrees Celsius in one second. The door opened almost immediately to reveal Reynolds
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