[You've been surrounded by five enemy ability users]

[Quest received]

[Defeat at least two enemies]

[Reward: Hidden]

After seeing that message, Erix stood on high alert for any form of attack or the sort.

Strangely enough, he wasn't scared, though a little nervous.

Being afraid would do him no good, nor would it enable him to win the upcoming fight, so he tried as much as possible to not be scared.

Perhaps, being a level 5 helped him with this.

Erix didn't stop walking, he continued walking as though he was oblivious to the happenings around him.

He tried as much as possible to act oblivious and continue walking, but all of a sudden the sweet fragrance of something filled the air.

He needed nobody to tell him that the scent was from blood.

However, Erix's thirst began to rise. Though not to the point of turning into a berserk vampire, the effect was still a bit overwhelming.

'No, not now, please,' Erix muttered in puzzlement as he felt his claws elongate a little.

Unbeknownst to him,

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