Chapter 34

The following day, Elvis departed from his domain and embarked on a journey towards the demi-kingdom. Choosing to travel on foot instead of soaring through the air, he sought to avoid the potential detection and subsequent complications that could arise from flying during daylight hours.

As the night fell, after a long and arduous journey and taking time to nourish himself and rest, Elvis spread his massive, bat-like wings and ascended into the sky, soaring towards his destination.

Within a few hours, Elvis heard the voice of a person in distress: "Someone, please help me." Hearing that voice, he halted his movement in the sky.

"Someone is in trouble." Elvis mumbled and activated his eagle eye, scanning the area for the source of the voice.

Upon visual confirmation of individuals confining a captive woman in a mountain cave, he promptly made his way to the location to render aid.


(All hail the god of death.)

(All hail the god of death.)

(All hail the god of death.)

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