Chapter 43
When Elvis and Diana took flight, soaring toward their beloved mountain after the meeting.

The clang of the kingdom's bell echoed through the land, summoning all to gather before the stage where Enzo stood, a towering figure commanding the attention of the gathered masses.

"My friends, the time has come for us to leave this place," Enzo announced, his voice ringing with authority. "Lord Dragon has offered us a new home, one that promises to be even better than this."

A wave of murmurs swept through the crowd of demi-humans of various beast kin, shock and disbelief etched upon their faces. Fearful whispers echoed through the crowd: 'Have the humans discovered us? Are they coming for us?'

With a calming gesture, Enzo silenced the panicked voices. "Fear not, my friends." Lord Dragon's offer is one of kindness and generosity. "We have nothing to fear, so prepare yourself by tomorrow."

Despite Enzo's reassurances, some still harbored doubts and mistrust toward Elvis. The thought of leaving
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