Chapter 46

Richard cradled his stinging cheek, seething with anger and confusion. What could he have possibly done to deserve such treatment from the alluring Miss Charlotte? He dared not voice his complaints, and instead held his tongue as the young woman approached him with a cool air of authority.

"Master requests your presence," Charlotte announced, dabbing at her hands with a delicate handkerchief. "He wishes to see you in a few days, when you are free."

"Yes, Miss Charlotte," Richard replied with a submissive nod, still clutching his aching cheek.

As the woman turned to leave, Richard felt a surge of defiance rise within him. He clenched his teeth, mustering the courage to confront her.

"Miss," he began, his voice quivering with anger. "Why did you strike me? I cannot recall any offense I may have committed to earn your wrath."

"That was for delaying me outside," Charlotte said coolly, without a hint of remorse.

"What?" Richard thought, disbelief flooding his mind. "I had no idea you were
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