Chapter 71: They stand no chance
"Enemy assailants approach!" cried a panicked voice, piercing through the quietude of the scene.

A quick succession of orders reverberated, jolting the company of soldiers into action. The captain, a seasoned holy knight with a face furrowed by a life of hard-won battles, roared, "Arrange the formation! Magic unit, employ enchantments to reinforce our defenses, posthaste! What of the enemy? What is their status?!"

A rider astride a powerful stallion untethered a majestic eagle perched on his shoulder, and with a deft hand gesture, sent it soaring into the azure sky. His eyes, alight with mystical energy, invoked the spell of 'Shared perception', enabling him to gaze upon the distant foes with a bird's-eye view.

"Enemy combatants have been sighted on the road, sir!" he relayed his findings to the captain, pausing momentarily in bewilderment. "Their numbers are..." he trailed off, his eyes scanning the terrain once more to verify the accuracy of his revelation.

A low rumble of discontent
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