103 Melissa Dubois

Melissa Dubois stumbled through the dimly lit nightclub, her vision blurred and her steps unsteady. The throbbing bass of the music reverberated through her body, mingling with the haze of alcohol and drugs clouding her mind. At thirty-two, she had long lost count of the nights spent in such places, seeking fleeting oblivion from the chaos that had become her life.

She had just managed to navigate her way through a maze of bodies on the dance floor when a wave of nausea hit her with sudden ferocity. Melissa's hand shot to her mouth as she lurched towards the nearest restroom, her senses swimming in a cocktail of alcohol and regret. Pushing through the bathroom door, she barely made it to the sink before her stomach revolted, expelling a vile mixture of alcohol and half-digested food.

The sound of retching echoed in the tiled room, amplified by the acoustics. Melissa leaned weakly against the sink, her head spinning as she tried to regain her composure. She splashed water on her face,
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