36 Truths To The Conspiracies

"What would anyone gain from the fall of the Jones?" Leo stood in front of a white board holding a marker with his sleeves rolled up. They were three people seated in from of him, Helen, her grandfather and the African bodyguard whose name he had come to know as Kunle.

He had spent the whole of the last night crossing all the t's and dotting the i's around the bomb incident. He hadn't slept a wink all night and his only wish at that moment was to find a warm bed and die in it.

"I have a question" Helen said as she raised her hand.

"Question? I've not even started speaking yet" he replied her in confusion.

"How many hours of sleep did you get last night?" She asked with a bit of worry in her tone.

"None but there's nothing you can do about it" he replied while giving her the most wide eyes stare he could muster.

"Now focus on what I have to tell you all" he said as he tapped slightly on the board. "The Ax, Bronx, Fisher and Homer families have been close associates of the Jones family
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