40 Gray Haired Man

Leo kept a neutral expression on his face as he waited for Damon to walk into his office. His door opened smoothly as the elderly man walked in. Damon Fisher was easily the same age as Mr Jones but he looked way better probably because he hadn't spent the last year fighting a poison in his system.

"Good day Mr. Dubois" Damon greeted with a smile as he walked into the room. Leo didn't smile back and the smile soon disappeared from his face.

"What do you want Mr Fisher?" Leo asked in a dull tone.

"The question isn't what I want Mr Dubois. The question is what do you want?" Damon replied his question with another of his own as he sat on the chair opposite Leo.

"What I want? That's a pretty tough question to answer" Leo replied with a slight smile.

"No it isn't hard to answer, what do you want? Do you want riches and power and glory or do you want to end up in an unmarked grave under a random tree in the West Side" Damon said in an angry tone.

"Do I smell a threat there Mr. Fisher?" Leo
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