74 Foiled Plans

"What the hell just happened?" Johnson asked in rage. He was tired of having his plans foiled by Leonardo Dubois.

"I thought you said he was dead?" Arthur Columbus asked Damon in a confused tone?

"I know, Terry told me that he killed him himself. I'm just as surprised as you to see him still at Helen's side. He's always been a thorn in our side and had always affected or plans negatively. Before we are ever truly going to be able to do anything to Helen Jones, we will have to take down Leonardo Dubois" Damon said to the group as he saw the anger and mistrust in all their eyes.

"I'm beginning to doubt the fact that our god even speaks to you at all. How would he tell you that Leonardo was dead and then less than four whole days later we see Leo foiling or plans to take out Helen Jones" Johnson replied with a hard tone.

"Mind the way you speak Johnson. There's a reason our god chose me as his voice. There's a reason I'm the only one able to go into the Red Fruit Mangrove and come out
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