89 Scar's Decree

"How do you think he knew we were coming here" Leo asked in worry as he feared for the safety of every one under his charge. He wondered if the enemy knew all their locations and were just busting there time until they were ready to kill them all.

"No, I think he followed us. That car over there looks like his own. He probably figured I'll call you for help and wanted to kill two birds with one stone" Kyrian replied as he stepped over the body of Damon.

"Either way, we need to change locations again. Prevention better than cure and all that crap" Helen said with a sigh as she picked the gun.

"We'll have to send a message to Scar. Tell him that we've taken out his most important worshipper.. See if we can get into his head and influence his decisions with anger" Leo said with certainty.


Scar sat in his newly bought temple which Damon Fisher had purchased for him.

Among Scar's faithful, none were more devoted than Damon Fisher. For years, Damon had executed Scar's will with unwa
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