Chapter 1436
John, the distributors, and others were in awe of the Innova Group's prowess. They had endured years of exploitation by the Pentra family, unable to challenge them due to lack of strength.

However, everything changed with the Innova Group's arrival.

Their first encounter with the Innova Group was memorable. Mark had led a group of people and confronted them, only to end up beaten and humiliated. Later, when the Pentra family sought revenge, the Innova Group dealt with them.

Now, things had escalated even further. At the soiree, they actually managed to kill Mark!

This was something they had long wished for but lacked the power to execute. However, neither Eric nor Sylvia had anticipated Mark's death.

Yet, he ended up dead in the lounge, with Sylvia being the prime suspect. The couple knew that, no matter how they explained it, Mark's death would be pinned on Sylvia.


"I didn't kill him," Sylvia reiterated once they were back at the hotel.

Eric held Sylvia close. "I believe you
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