Chapter 1836
Stealthbane knew that the figure facing them must be the ultimate leader of the Luminous.

Suddenly, he no longer wanted to die. If he could hold on just a little longer, it would all be over.

"Mr. Johnson, these people don't seem ordinary. Could that leader be the ultimate figure of the Luminous? Are we about to complete the game?" he whispered.

To him, this mission to the Ark felt like a game: defeat the final boss, and victory is achieved.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be. This person gives me... a sense of danger," Eric said.

Upon hearing this, Stealthbane felt reassured.

Just a sense? That meant the problem wasn't too grave!

The leader on the opposite side turned to Eric. "I didn't expect you to make it this far. I underestimated your strength, believing my Ark was impregnable, that no enemy could breach it. But why are you so persistent? Why such determination?"

He suddenly screamed in a fit of hysteria, "I have so many people! Such a grand scheme! It has all succeeded!
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