Black Wood

Right then, the supreme leader of the Larants appeared in front of the cave mouth with six young women.

The men bowed to her.

The middle-aged woman approached Mathias and the others.

“Do you like their meat?” she asked with a wide smile.

Mathias smiled slightly. “I never knew.”

“From what I hear,” said the Dyan, “the land of Purbha is so fertile and rich in natural resources, everything is abundant. So, it's only natural that you don't know or have never tried to taste the flesh of dragons.”

“Yeah,” Mathias gave a small nod. “I suppose it is. But, that was a long time ago. Now, Purbha is just a dead land.”

“You know, you have to be careful,” Rashmar continued. “Not all kinds of dragons you can eat their flesh. Most of them have deadly poison in their blood and even flesh.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” Mathias sighed deeply.

“Come with me!”

Mathias complied with the Dyan's request. They disappeared at the mouth of the cave with the six young women.

They led him to a branch of the cave tha
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