I See The Mirror World In The Sky
I See The Mirror World In The Sky
Author: Beriberi
The new world

Esme Crane woke up with severe pain in her head, and her joints seemed to have been broken and reattached. A strange feeling came over her and it seemed like she had never felt so precarious as now.

She opened her eyes, and then before she could do anything else, unfamiliar memories flooded her mind. Those are the memories of someone else's life.

This person with the same name as her, named Esme Crane, lives in a world that is probably parallel to Earth. Her father, Calvin Crane, is a second-generation descendant of the Republic of Dejhess who came to the Mhadrrith Empire and now he was a worker, her mother, Sofia Ramirez, is a Mhadrrith Empire native, she is a housewife, and her brother, Reuben, who is eight years her junior.

The cultural level of the former owner of this body is not very high. She dropped out of school in the middle of the 7th grade and she didn't quite understand the concept of the Dejhess Republic and the Mhadrrith Empire.

Esme Crane wondered why she appeared in such a strange world, to be more precise, she was now standing in the middle of a desolate field. But then the worse happened, when she thought about why she was here, her memories of her years on Earth seemed to have completely faded.

Well, there's still a little left.

Her earliest recollection was of the street that she was crossing in the middle of a crowded and bustling city. She couldn't recall her name, let alone the names of her parents and family, or even all of her instructors, classmates, and friends. However, she can recall the names of many famous people and the fact that she graduated with a master's degree in law and was about to join the prosecution team.

Perhaps this was traveling to another world, something she had thought only existed in legends.

With no other choice, Esme Crane had to accept the truth and her new identity. Only this new identity, in the eyes of others, is a dead person. The old Esme Crane was buried under the coffin a few days ago. Now her appearance in this wilderness is a mystery. But no matter how mysterious it is, it can't be compared to traveling to another world.

Talking more about this world, based on the memory that the old Esme Crane left, she learned that this is a world in the renaissance period, if it is similar to Earth, it is probably now falling into the 1900s, but there are many differences. Firstly, the level of steam here is quite developed, religion is prevalent and there seems to be only one religion. The second is that there are supernatural things that exist side by side with ordinary things. Esme Crane also didn't know how she knew the second thing, because no matter how much she searched her memory, she couldn't find anything related, only that she strongly believed in it.

Another mystery was about the death of the old Esme, as in the completely alien memory she had just received, Esme was a weaver who worked at a local textile plant, but due to Esme Crane's memories were hazy as if coated in glass so, including her memories of working as a weaver in the factory, the reason she climbed the chimney and plunged is even paler.

The night sky was slowly taking over, and now Esme Crane was squatting on the ground, dressed in vintage and frilly outfit that, while it looked old, wasn't nearly tattered.

And then when Esme Crane raised her head to look at the sky, her heart couldn't help but wonder, because there was no moon in the sky, but an inverted city, as if in the sky was a large piece of land, and the tall buildings were trees planted upside down. Or it could be that someone spread a giant piece of mirror across the sky so that the city was reflected and displayed on it. The worse thought was, that maybe the city was real, and she was living in a mirror. Esme Crane shuddered at the last thought.

She stood up, looked around, now she didn't know where to go, she couldn't go back to Esme Crane's house in this world, because everyone thought she was dead if she was foolish leak appeared before them, then according to their cult, they would think that she was the zombie and that she deserved to be burned to death.

Esme Crane staggered her walk because she already knew where she should go. The old Esme Crane had a close friend, and according to a fervent hunch boiling in her heart right now, that best friend was a very trustworthy person, and that person could help her get her back to an ordinary person's life, or live like a normal person.

Esme Crane kept walking forward, because what she needed to do now was get out of this wasteland, and back to the main road, only then could she find her way to where she wanted to go.

Thanks to the electromagnetic light in the sky, Esme Crane had no trouble walking.

Her feet were walking but her mind wasn't focused on that, chaotic thoughts clung to her mind. She kept trying to remember her past and present, then thinking about new things in this strange world, and she was unable to be aware of the situation around her. So Esme Crane was shocked to realize that she had been standing at the gate of a graveyard ever since. And in the distance, behind a grave, a pair of blue eyes were staring at her, eyes like two glowing blue jewels in the gloom of the night.

Esme Crane jumped, she involuntarily took a few steps back. But in an instant, those black eyes flew out. Only then did Esme Crane breathe a sigh of relief, because it turned out to be just a black cat. It went away and disappeared among the clumps of grass in the cemetery.

Esme Crane turned left and avoided the cemetery, fortunately in the distance she saw a road.

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