Cheeky water spirit

Bai Feng was running rather quickly as he made his way to the restaurant with Mo Pian on his heels by a few tens of meters.

At first, Mo Pian didn't really care about the race, but Bai Feng glanced back at him and stuck his tongue out at him before laughing and making his way even quicker to the restaurant, basically mocking Mo Pian.

Mo Pian was rather amused by Bai Feng's attempt at inciting him to run quicker over this race, so he decided to play along.

He increased his speed using the Qi in his body, but he didn't give it his all as he knew that he couldn't beat Bai Feng in a race from the characteristics of a body cultivator. But he did so anyway, so he could make Bai Feng happier.

Bai Feng looked back at Mo Pian, who was slowly getting closer to him, but the muscles around his legs started to buff up as he increased his speed in an instant. He was still experimenting with his newly refined body, and he felt like this type of playing would help him le

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