Chen Lingxi opens up

Bai Feng was still on the fence regarding Chen Lingxi. Her actions back then had marked him by quite a bit. And made him understand that Chen Lingxi was a person that he shouldn't associate with.

She was dangerous because she always had her way due to her father letting her do whatever she wanted without any repercussions. That moment when Mo Pian had tried to tell her off angered her so much that she almost killed him, and this wasn't a normal reaction by a long shot.

Wanting to kill someone and acting on that because they disagreed with you or what you did was something only psychopaths would experience and do.

Bai Feng was someone who didn't know much about bad people as he lived in a relatively normal mountain village, and he had never interacted with a bad person up till then, but the moment he met Chen Lingxi. He realized that she was bad.

Willing to discard a person's life over a petty argument showed how much she looked down on the life of normal

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