Exploiting weaknesses

The Mother of Heavens knew that she couldn't let her blood be consumed by these two!

All the parts of her body were like a treasure filled with a godly amount of Qi. If even one of them were able to drink even a little bit of blood, she would be in trouble!

She pushed both of them away, stopping the gravitational pull and transforming it into a push!

She frowned as she looked at the nape of her neck, seeing a few marks there.

The marks quickly disappeared from her fair skin, but this event made her understand that Bai Feng and Shirbo could crack her Qi defenses and bodily defenses if they worked together!

This was a problem! She needed to destroy their cooperation and fight them one by one.

However, she knew that mind games wouldn't work on body cultivators because they were either too dumb or too loyal.

Their souls were also reinforced by the fusion between soul and body. So she couldn't manipulate them either.

The only way to

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