Impossible to kill

The hatchet strike was getting increasingly closer to her neck. But The Mother of Heavens didn't panic at all.

The strike hit true, breaking her Qi shield into millions of pieces that transformed into space dust.

Then, the hatchet strike started cutting into her neck. Creating a geyser of green blood as she was decapitated in one swift bout!

However, the opening was quickly sealed as she grabbed her head and took a few steps back while paying exceedingly hard.

Just like a body cultivator, beheading her didn't mean she would die.

Of course, it was a rather severe injury, but it wasn't something that couldn't be healed in a short time.

Bai Feng started panting as well, while the tattoo on his wrist was giving him energy from the universe itself, his body couldn't process all of it yet, and some of it was wasted.

Unfortunately, the Body Saint Realm wasn't enough to withstand the power of the universe, at least, not the 1st level.

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