Laying back and letting others work

Bai Feng's ability to read people was quite good, so he was sure that Rafiki was having some problems with him. Although Bai Feng had helped him with his problem.

Bai Feng just wasn't sure why Rafiki would have problems with him after he regained his strength. Did he get second thoughts about giving his tribe to Bai Feng?

People in high positions tend to want to stay in those positions, not wanting to have someone else lord over them.

But Rafiki looked very eager and truthful when he talked about letting Bai Feng become their chieftain.

He was believing that Bai Feng could help their tribe.

What had made the shaman change his mind?

Bai Feng didn't have an answer to that question. But he kept his guard up in case the shaman would go back on his words and try to attack him or call reinforcements to encircle him.

His senses were stretched out as he made sure to hear everything that would be going around the whole tribe's village.<

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