More cooking and new techniques

The old man's whole body was shaking from excitement as he introduced himself to Bai Feng:

"My name is Luo Gang. I'm the elder of the cooking hall and a former apprentice in the medicinal hall."

Luo Gang grasped Bai Feng's shoulder as he asked him directly:

"Would you like to improve the art of cooking under my tutelage?"

It seemed that Luo Gang was rather desperate for disciples.

Bai Feng nodded immediately, his cooking skills were good but not as good as Mo Pian's, and from what it seemed, Luo Gang's cooking skills were even above Mo Pian's.

Learning how to improve his cooking from such a person would be very nice.

He was also Mo Pian's master, so he would be able to meet with Mo Pian and improve his cooking at the same time. This leading to hitting two birds with one stone.

His master had to teach Sylph the basics, and her attention should be on him for now. So he could slip through the lessons that she wanted to give h

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