Peculiar ingredients from peculiar people

Bai Feng started to make his way towards the inner parts of the market towards a peculiar building that stood out. It had the mascot of a wooden fish, which had the words "fresh food ingredients" inscribed in it.

That's where the middle-aged man's friends and business partners sold the things that Bai Feng needed. Atleast that's what the man told him.

He had no other better leads. Chitong only told him about the ingredients, not where he could find them.

The list of ingredients was rather peculiar, to the point that he knew that even Mo Pian would be stumped on where to get them. He had some knowledge of the ingredients from Chitong's jade slip, and the connection with Aura helped him, so he wasn't in the dark, and he knew that Chitong was trying to help him.

Bai Feng entered the building and looked around. He saw meats stacked together on stalls that had little plaques with their origins and prices. The smell of so many meats together was quite nause

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