Scared devil and the elders appear

Blao Jinzo still couldn't believe his eyes, but his body was feeling the effects of the rebound, so that meant it was true.

He tried to cough another spear, maybe try and hit Bai Feng's vitals.

However, the moment he tried to spew another spear, he found himself with his head hanging down as Bai Feng grabbed him by the leg and threw him as if he was a spear.

Jinzo flew towards the crumbled arena below and creating a crater 3 times as big as Mia Shu had made.

Bai Feng started to feel the aftereffects of the tribulation hit his body further as he clutched his head.

No matter how he got used to the tribulation flames.

The flames would increasingly get stronger to adapt to his bodily improvements, so he wouldn't just breeze through his future breakthroughs as if nothing was happening.

After all, body cultivators had died out for a reason. If body cultivation would have been so easy, everyone who would have access to plenty of resou

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