Spatial Rings and feast (Part 2)

Sylph wasn't sure what to say as his thoughts moved at extreme speeds through his mind:

"Is it possible she came with me? No, she certainly looks like her, but when she looked at me. She had no recollection of who I am, even though I look exactly like I did when I was young, bar the long ears."

"Should I test her... hmm... let's try some English since she was pretty proficient in it in her last life."

Sylph opened his mouth and said a perfect hello in English, attracting both Bai Feng's and Mu An's attention, as they both didn't understand what he said.

Mu An glanced at Sylph, making him think that she might have understood what he said. However, afterward, she looked at her brother and asked:

"Do you think he suddenly spoke the elve's language because he got startled by my arrival?"

Bai Feng shook his head. He had told Sylph that he would come back with his sister. He wondered why did he talk in an unknown language, which

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