The input of a pill cultivator

Bai Feng couldn't help but look around the workshop. There were hundreds of ingredients bottled for safekeeping on shelves in the corner of the room, while a cauldron was placed in the middle of the room.

The cauldron had small inscriptions placed upon it for increased flame control, among other things that Bai Feng didn't understand.

The room was neat. However, soot and explosion traces could still be felt in the air.

Bai Feng stopped looking around as his focus came upon the woman that invited him inside.

He took the half-completed product from his spatial ring and presented it to her.

The purple viscous substance was full of Qi, to the point that even a small whiff would knock out a normal Qi cultivator, so Bai Feng made sure she didn't get too close to it.

The woman's sharp nose twitched as she looked at the purple substance and then covered her nose with the sleeves of her shirt.

"This thing is extremely potent. Are you trying to

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