The mother of heavens (Part 2)

The sudden wind sword made no sound as it appeared behind Bai Feng. This was Ahrelo's most prized assassination technique because it had a 100% hit rate.

Combined with his wind attribute, he would be able to skewer anyone regardless of their defenses. Ahrelo thought this was checkmate.

However, Bai Feng shifted his body at the last second before he put the hatchet in front of the wind sword, cutting it into two pieces and destabilizing Ahrelo's power.

He took a direct backlash from having his technique destroyed.

All of the wind had been previously scattered, so he had to use a part of his willpower to summon wind that was connected to them.

Damaging this wind was like hitting Ahrelo directly in the face.

And Bai Feng didn't damage the wind. He thoroughly destroyed it with the hatchet!

It was a relatively heavy blow for Ahrelo.

Of course, it wasn't enough to disperse Ahrelo's piece of willpower, but it did shake it up q

Daoist Of Lies

Happy new year to all my readers! Hope you enjoy this new year's chapter!

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