The sect events and Mu An

Bai Feng smiled, seeing how Aura and the owl acted. It was almost as if Aura was his cheeky wife and the owl was their hungry child.

It was quite a funny sight as Bai Feng- made his way to the table and sat down opposite Aura- After he placed all of the food on the table.

The shrimp, swordfish, and other crustaceans had a very tantalizing smell as Bai Feng started to pour the sauce he made onto them.

The smell was getting more intense the more sauce was poured, and Aura started to salivate. She couldn't help but want to dig in already, just like the owl did.

However, she had some self-control as she waited for Bai Feng to finish preparing everything aesthetically.

Bai Feng finished by giving a chef kiss as he had seen Mo Pian do it a few times while they were cooking together.

"Well, let's dig in!"

Bai Feng started with some swordfishes, which he started to devour at a quick speed, making the owl who didn't finish its meal quic

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