Underground betting arena

Bai Feng wasn't sure where Mo Pian was taking him. After they finished talking about a place where he could find someone to spar with. Mo Pian closed the restaurant and said he had a place to show him.

Right now, they were walking along the relatively empty streets of the outer sect.

Some people who wore different robes could be seen here and there. They were visitors, but they were in such a low number they could be barely seen. As Mo Pian and Bai Feng took a stroll around the place, they could see that they were the only locals still walking around the sect.

No local disciples were walking around, as they must likely be in closed-door cultivation, preparing for the upcoming tournament.

The outer sect tournament was a good way for outer disciples to gain the attention of elders of the sect who might think the disciples have something unique about themselves or were diamonds in the rough that they could excavate. Also, the rewards were very good. So even

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