Mirror World
"Damn, this experience again," Lucius cursed after he was absorbed by the purple pearl. It placed him back into the pitch-black void, where no hint of light existed.

"I can't even see my hand this time," Lucius muttered, lifting his hand only to see the encompassing darkness.


"What's going on?" Lucius screamed, as if a foreign entity had awoken within him. A wave of fear washed over him, making him feel strangled by unseen, ghostly hands.

The sheer terror of total darkness quickened his breathing.

"No, what's happening?" Lucius yelled, trying to run aimlessly. His hands flailed about, but they touched nothing. The overwhelming darkness was all he could see.

His anxiety peaked as his greatest fear was unearthed from deep within his psyche.

"Total darkness," - it's not death that humans fear, but rather the loneliness and solitude in the complete darkness that follows.

Trapped in this oppressive darkness, Lucius felt a greater pain than he had experienced when being t
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