63. Dracule, Die


“It's really delicious!”

“It was so sweet.”

Dracule sucks the blood on his arm, showing madness, and sickening obsession.

At the same time, the other Dracule clones also gathered one after another.

Each clone has a flashing red light, and as they get closer to each other, they also magically merge together.

More precisely, one clone eats another clone.

He opened his mouth and bit The Clone's neck, frantically absorbing the opponent's blood and strength until the entire clone turned into energy and was completely absorbed.

It's like raising Gu, putting hundreds of thousands of Gu worms in the tank, letting them fight each other, and the one who survives, in the end, is the King of Gu.

"Kill those clones!!!"Jonathan shouted.

Following Jonathan's orders, the other Knights try with all their might to kill Dracule's clone.

Until Jonathan came to him and killed some of the Clones, Dracule had also absorbed some of his clones ' energy.

“One Sword-Eagle Slash!”

An eagle-like Slash stru
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