The hero vs orc

Then, I saw it.

A huge green monster through the trees.

Standing on two legs, a loincloth to cover its privates, with an ugly face and two big tusks that extended from its mouth.

An orc.

And I would have to kill it.

I moved around the trees, hiding myself from it, making a big plan to sneak up and end it with one hit, a nice clean death.

But then, it sniffed, grunted, and then, it turned its head in my direction.


"I guess sneak attack won't work on you" I said as I dashed towards the orc.


The orc raised its club high and smashed to my side. I could tell the big ugly just smirked.

When the dust cleared up the orc was surprised that I didn't turn into a meat paste.

"Hey big ugly" I said as I stood on top of a big tree

The orc looked at me and I smiled "Your mama is an ugly bitch" I said.

I am pretty sure that the orc didn't understand what I said but he knew I was insulting him and got really angry.

He jumped high, and smashed the tree again, but I quickly left before he smashed the tree.

This is my second time fighting monsters like you, so I won't repeat the same mistake again which was not activating the specific class or ability before fighting.

"System enable blacksmith class"


[Blacksmith enabled]

[All skills relating to the copied class has been activated]


[Cheat has been activated: all exp doubled]

When the system activated the black Smith class, I felt familiar with the weapon almost as if I was one with the weapon.

"So this must be mammoth special skill and I bet I am better than him since my level for it has been maxed out already" I said to myself.


The orc roared loudly as he saw that I was still alive.

He dashed towards me again, but this time around I didn't move, I held the sword tight as l listened to the voice of the sword teaching me.

Before the orc could get any closer, I disappeared from the spot appearing behind the orc.

The orc was surprised at what just happened, then he noticed his hand had been sliced off clean.

When he realized that, he felt the pain and screamed in agony but it was like a music to my heart.

I gave an evil smile or smirk at the big ugly and said "Do you like that uhh fatso, that's how I felt when my hand was chopped off also, I guess you don't like the feeling don't you well let me put an end to your misery".

The orc saw that I was making jest of him and flew into rage.


The orc roared loudly 

*Hahaha* I laughed like a maniac

"Yes, yes!! That's it, that's what I want. Getting angry all you can, you will make this more enjoyable for me" I said as I dashed towards him again.

Surprisingly the orc got faster with more brute strength.

The fight was intoxicating, I could have ended this, but I was enjoying every single moment of it.

The orc smashed and smashed everywhere, but he couldn't hit me as I got faster and more familiar with the sword.

"Is that all you got?" I shouted at the orc as I sliced his back so that you could almost see the bone.

He felt the pain and roared once more


[The orc has has released a war cry, all orc members with the radius will head to your side]

[The orc has entered berserk mode]

"Ohh! So the roar was a war cry and he has finally entered berserk mode, well the merrier '' I laughed.

The body of the orc underwent a transformation and his whole body turned red and tattoos appeared all over his body.

"Wow all this just because you entered berserk mode" I told the orc.

"System what happened to him"


[By answering the host,the orc has evolved into a higher orc].

"Hey for real," I told the system.


[The orc evolution was forced by the host].


[Skills detected]

[Does the host want to copy 'Berserk and war cry'?].

"So this mf evolved in a battle" I said

"System copy the skills"


[Copying skills]

[Estimated time… 5 minutes]


[Cheat activated]

[Estimated time 0 mins 0sec's]

[Skills copied]

[Cheat activated: level maxed out].

"Nice, now let's start" 

Both I and I dashed at each other at the same time, he smashed his club at me and he used my sword to block it as the dust that we caused cleared up.

If anyone were to see this they will be surprised to see a young boy and a huge orc standing toe to toe in a fight and what will even shock them the most will be the boy is the useless hero.

I jumped back and disappeared from the same spot again like last time, this time around the orc was careful, surprisingly that he could reason even in berserk mode or maybe the fear instilled in his heart caused the reaction, but either ways he couldn't react to it because I got better and better in the use of my sword.

Since my class is maxed out already, he does not stand a chance with me.

I slit the orc throat clean, just like an hot knife passing through butter.

The orc head fell and rolled on the ground, shock, fear and anger could be seen on that ugly face.

I went to pick up the head to pull out the tooth for the physician, suddenly the system sounded again.


[Exp gained 300]

[Cheat activated:  Exp gained 600]

[Level: 40]


[Blood detected, does the host want to copy the monster bloodline].

"Wow this cheat stuff is really OP including my special copy skill, I will be strong in no time".


"systems don't copy the bloodline. I don't want to be a monster or an ugly mf like this one"

When I plucked out the tooth and tusk, I noticed that the ground was shaking. When I went up to check the cause I saw lots of orcs running towards me in anger.

"I see, well more exp for me then. This is going to be interesting"


I laughed and dashed towards the orcs that were already close.

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