Related Chapters
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 191 - The Bony Bunker
Timothy, and the team returned to the waters. Once they swam a hundred or so meters, he released the Sea Orc from the crippling set of extra bones that he had riddled it with. The beast was free now, well, its spine was still messed up, but the hundreds of Albino Scavenger Leeches that lived within the dragon, said that they could heal the dragon’s spine, so it was far from dying!It was expensive for Timothy to let the dragon live, but he didn’t want to upset those little guys either, because he feared that his head would be split in two, if the leeches chose to get violent! The albino leeches possessed flesh mana, a kind of mana that even Arvena was unaware of, so it was best not to anger them! The dragon was spared, and it was also in no condition to chase the team, so this was a win-win, and lose-lose situation. Anyway, since the team was in the water, they could continue their seemingly insane motive of chasing after the Ruins of Aqumus! It was looking more and more insane to go
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 192 - MQ
Timothy usually loathed spending a massive amount of system points, or mana points come to think of it, but in this particular situation that they were in, the prior was justified. A purer mana quality on its own wasn't enough to survive the squabbles of The Old Sea, not with the team's current levels that is, so he had to rely on the grand modifications that the system offered in order to survive. With enough upgrades, even his level six mana could look and act gigantic!The purchase that the system recommended the most, was the amplification of the Dual Casting trick that he used so often! Dual Casting wasn't a power or an ability per se, it was just a thing that came naturally while a mage progressed, and in this case, the system could alter it so Dual Casting would cost less mana points to initiate![You can amplify the Dual Casting option, by 25% in exchange for 8,000 system points. It's an expensive purchase, but at least your mana pool won't be in shambles every time you try to
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 193 - Power Merging
The Mana Quotient upgrade was as painful as it was expensive! Not only did it put his guts and spine into a strain, but it also affected his brain, since intelligence was primarily located on one's brain! Timothy felt as if a viral virus was attacking his nervous system, he felt dumber by the second once the pain intensified, but he didn’t fear such foul effects per se, because he knew that they were temporary.Timothy endured the pain for a whole hour, and at that point, the pain threshold was too high for him to handle, so he fainted. Fainting was one of the best things that could happen to him right now, because the pain he felt while unconscious was reduced by at least a third! He got a bit of peace like this.The upgrade was lengthy, because it would ultimately make him different from most mages. As a fish, he would end up being almost godly after this upgrade, and if he chose to shift into a mammal again, then he'd be one of the most magically fluent mammals within the Fintelus’
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 194 - Mana Channels, and the creation of new abilities!
The tuna fish had a quick death, most of its nervous system was fried immediately, so its brain died off moments later. It didn’t suffer any pain, because its pain receptors couldn't carry out any signals, hence, even though it was necessary to kill this fish, for the team’s sustenance, the kill was very merciful. The tuna fish was then dragged towards the bony den, where it was later consumed. The fish was six meters long, so it just barely fit in their den, which in a sense was a good thing, because its fat body could keep the team fed for a week no doubt! Timothy and Skendus were the biggest fish, and the latter had decided to shapeshift into a sawfish in order to regenerate more mana a day, so the fact of the matter was that the two of them were to consume a lot more food on average. If they were to be healthy, the two of them needed at least twenty pounds of decent meat a day, just to sustain themselves! Anyway, food aside, the team were still rather terrified by the display of
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 195 - Cheap Reanimator
Timothy created a new ability, a fully necromantic ability, even, because he was supposed to reanimate skeletons with it! He absorbed the new power in his body, and hoped that it would work like it was supposed to, because he didn’t want to spend all day tugging on strings of mana channels, regardless of how enthralling that may sound, especially since it didn't cost any mana to experiment. It was interesting, but he didn’t want to spend hours creating abilities that he would then dispose of.“Okay… I need test subjects.” He muttered.Afterwards, he slipped out of the bony den, swam nearly twenty meters away from it, and tried to put his new ability to the test! A dark cloudy substance oozed out of the barb of his tail during the attempt, but this cloud was small, because he wasn't cranking the ability up to the max. He didn’t need to.The cloud then traveled around his close vicinity, and sought out skeletons to reanimate. This part of the process was costly, he was spending two-hund
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 196 - The difference between reanimation, and revival
“My very own monster… erg, fish? It's as if I'm Doctor Frankenstein, only without the creepy lightning.” He joked.What he achieved here had a lot more math included in it, and of course, he was aided by what could be considered dark magic. It was dark, because he had disturbed this little guy's watery grave, gave it eyes, senses, a brain to think for itself once more, but he didn’t give it a soul. He couldn't do that as of now.Sure the anglerfish looked happy, but Tim got sad once he remembered that this little guy's life was purely artificial. The anglerfish, and its insides in its entirety, would fade away in a few weeks if Tim didn't feed it any more mana by then, they would fade away, regardless of how realistic the little, four-inch fish seemed!By his calculations, he had to feed his little slave here, a hundred points of mana by every end of the month, or else it would die, again! It would fade away.Anyway, although the ethical aspects of his second experiment were very chal
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 197 - "Timothy Te*ticles"
After these couple of successful experiments, Timothy went back to his den. His slaves tried to follow suit, but he ended up discarding most of them, particularly those bigger, useless skeletons. He didn’t want them flapping around aimlessly, without even a pair of eyes to call their own, so he disposed of them mercifully. However, he couldn’t find the strength to dismantle that little anglerfish, and the assfish that he had reanimated, it seemed cruel to kill them, so he allowed them to follow him, though he wasn’t sure what he was going to do with such useless creatures!Anyway, regardless of the ethical dilemmas regarding his experiments, Tim was still quite happy that he was able to recreate life! The MQ upgrade that he bought, may be one of the most important purchases that he had ever made, regardless of how expensive the purchase was! It was worth the points!Tim's understanding of magic had increased exponentially, and he was happy about that, though due to the same few experi
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 198 - An IQ of 170
The Extingus Breath ability was like a forcefield for Timothy, except it wasn’t as strong as Ortana's force fields so he had learned not to depend on it. This ability mainly featured a blue mist, a cloud of sorts, so it wasn’t exactly physical.This ability was meant to dissolve attacks, more than it was to stop them dead on the spot. If he breathed out a bigger, and wider Extingus Breath, the cooperative blue cloud would be able to dismantle even bigger attacks, which was advantageous, but he hadn't fully figured out what this ability was capable of, so he'd rather proceed with caution.“Might as well buy it since it can protect me from evil shit, then! It doesn't cost anything to cast it either, so I could really use it.” He said.The system acted accordingly, she initiated the upgrade sequence. Within a few seconds, Tim experienced lock jaw, and although this wasn't too painful, it was rather immobilizing, because the lockjaw paralyzed a sizable portion of his upper body! He was ha
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Chapter 250 - "1,400 kilometers a day"
Turning into birds was perhaps the best idea they were ever presented with. The Arctic Tern had evolved to fly such great distances, regardless of how severe the temperatures around it might become, so all-in-all, this species seemed like their best option, their best mode of transportation!It was easy to turn into one of them as well. The system showed Timothy a video of how an Arctic Tern looked like, and he was able to replicate its form himself, by shapeshifting into one! The team followed suit, and it didn’t take any of them more than five minutes to shift, regardless of how they had mammalian bodies just a moment ago!“Fuck, I look a lot like a seagull! I just cannot understand why I hate seagulls so much.” Tim chirped, he was irritated.“Is this why you made us shapeshift into sailfish? Was it because you didn't want to look like a seagull?” Skendus asked, and he asked this question, because he knew his friend rather well.“Eh, partially. But also, sailfish look really cool.”
Chapter 249 - "Turn into a bug"
The time of day reflected in the phantom world, equal to the physical world. The sun rose from the east, and set to the west, so the team met at midnight after they spent a few hours away from each other. They met at the tavern where Ortana and Gustav were wasting their time at.They didn't intend to drink, however, because they had some strong conversations to hold with each other. Most of them found the phantom city of Fortuna very useful, so it wasn’t surprising how they wanted to stay here for a few weeks, and one of the main topics tip-toed around that matter!“We're all adults here, kinda… let's admit it, this city is amazing! We've only been here for a few hours, and I'm up an entire realm in my phantom mana pool already!” Timothy started out the conversation, “I could stay here for years if I could afford it, and I wouldn't regret it for a second!”“Oh, I would spend my afterlife here too, trust me.” Arvena followed along, “This city is a very literal example that immortality
Chapter 248 - The loving bride illusion
Souls and ghosts did not behave like normal, living beings, no, regardless of how they may sound at first sight. Ortana and Gustav discovered this first hand, after they found a tavern where they could have a drink at. The Fleshling drinks were strong, so it helped reveal the most raw version of the entities around them!In a word, everyone was simply terrified. At some point they even were scared of one another, because the alcohol they drank managed to shorten their memory severely, and they couldn’t remember what they were doing here, in the ghost city to begin with. However, somehow they did remember that they were ghosts, or transparent entities, and so were the others around them, so they got scared beyond the grave from one another, as they were reminded that ghosts were real, and not a fairy tale! It was apparently very common for everyone in the tavern to scream as much as they could.“They’re probably remembering that it’s weird for all these ghosts and souls to work togethe
Chapter 247 - Line toeing, and pool fragmentation!
The sect of illusion within the phantom city of Fortuna, was as secretive as one would expect it to be. There was no direct way to find it, it didn’t have a concrete location that one could just knock the door of, so it took a bit of work to get a hold of it, and its sect members!The only hint he had was that the sect was technically local to the city, or, its inhabitants were local, and for a while, that was all of the information that Skendus had to work with. He spent three hours looking for information as to how to enter the sect, and the information he gathered was purely based on rumors! Since he didn't have anything else to work with, he hoped that the rumors would get him somewhere, so he focused on them.One rumor suggested that a sect member would seek him out if he spent enough time looking for the sect, and he followed this idea, even though he was sceptical about it being a good idea to begin with! He knew that his time in the phantom world was limited, so even in this p
Chapter 246 - Phantom Potions
The purification process of the contents that Timothy had concocted in the cauldron, was as simple as it was complicated. In the grand scale of things, he wasn't building rockets here, for example, so one couldn't consider the process to be too complex, and in simple words, he was just purifying a combination of two gases here, nothing more. It wasn’t a ground-breaking task, however, if he was to be successful, there was still a minimum requirement of MQ that he had to meet, no matter how insignificant the task may be itself!The requirement towered at four-hundred and fifty points of MQ for this task, and he had crossed that requirement by exactly one-hundred points, so he could carry on with the purification process without restrictions. If he had visited this city a couple of months earlier, then he would've failed to meet the requirement indefinitely, which would've enthralled him to do stupid things afterwards, but luckily that was not the case. Anyway, in order to start the pro
Chapter 245 - Soul Manipulator
Lena had accepted Timothy as an illegal student of sorts, and she was about to teach him the basics of Phantom Alchemy! This branch of magic was very important, but it also required a set of skills and intelligence that most people, or entities, did not possess, so if Timothy even had the slightest chance to understand this craft, he had to start with the basics! Knowledge was one of the most valuable aspects of this craft.“First, you have to understand what souls are made of, Timothy. See when your soul is in your body, it's massless, almost insignificant, as it's attached somewhere between your conscious, and subconscious, deep inside your brain. However, when you choose to use any form of magic that separates your soul from your body, your soul can't be massless any longer, it turns into gas.” Lena explained.“Yeah, I've picked up on that. Since oxygen is also a type of gas, does that mean that my soul is currently made out of oxygen, amongst other gases?” He followed along.“No,”
Chapter 244 - "Froggy... date?"
The arts of phantom potion making were complex, and demanded a specific skill set dedicated to them. Timothy realized that as soon as he entered a chemistry workshop!Now, this line of work wasn't shunned upon, entities practiced it openly, and those who did practice it, were either really powerful or really wealthy, so they had nothing to hide. One could set up such a business in the ghost world, and if they were skillful enough, they could become really wealthy! Although the currency here was useless in the physical world, it was still the standard currency of trade here in the city, and across the entire Kingdom of Mors Florentes, meaning that hundreds of thousands of ghosts used this currency! It was a good place to be skillful.With all of that considered, Timothy could simply walk into the workshop, and its entities welcomed him into it, they didn't feel threatened at the sight of a stranger whatsoever. The workshop was well established, so they considered him a customer, and he
Chapter 243 - Tamed Entity - ROM
The ghost city the team popped up in, was very civilized, regardless of how ironic that may sound. Much like in a real, physical city, there was law and order here, regardless of how special and taylored the laws were. It was simply functional, and this functionality spread across the entire kingdom of Mors Florentes, rather than just the City of Fortuna itself!Their names were certainly interesting too. They were in latin, Timothy could pick up on that fact, but despite him not understanding how latin was used so often on this planet, he was also uncomfortable once he remembered how undead, and paranormal those names sounded. He didn't know when he started getting used to the paranormal, but when he stopped and thought about it, taking into perspective regarding where he was right now, he got spooked. If he had a heart in this form, it would've been pounding rapidly for a while!Anyway, the team started using the order that this city had, to their advantage. As a welcoming gift, the
Chapter 242 - "Who r u?"
“What the hell is this? Why is there a stone city in the middle of the fucking ocean?!” Gustav asked, in panic, breaking his average, honed composure.It was difficult to answer his question, because most of the team didn't realize what was going on either, apart from Timothy. Although he needed a moment to have a good look of his surroundings, he instantly knew where he was, and come to think of it, ending up in a city like this has been an aspiration of his ever since he used the Explorative Soul ability for the first time, several months ago.“We're in a ghost city, deep inside a ghost kingdom.” He answered, “I'm assuming that it's a more civilized place, cause these bastards here aren't randomly shooting at each other. As for the ‘stone’, it's just highly-altered gas, and even though I didn't know that one could play with gas clouds like this, I can still see the channels patterns they used to build the city! It's very impressive work, that's for sure, especially since the channel