"System, I've been waiting for an hour now! Where the hell are those iguana crabs you talked about?" Tim complained, and the attitude he had was fueled by anger alone.
The system didn't make things any easier for him, as she said. [You mean crustacean ignatius, not iguana? Also, you've been waiting for 37 minutes, and guests aren't supposed to lie. Please behave!] Before he could say anything, the system answered the prior question as well, though she was a bit vague about it. She said, [You should just continue waiting for a little while longer. Crabs will eventually crawl over here, so stop talking and rustling around, you're gonna scare them away. Don't let 'natural selection' be your worst enemy, please the oceans are already dangerous themselves. Don't do stupid stuff.] Ironically, right now, the system spoke more than Tim ever did. She distracted him, even, so he was set quite for a surprise, after he felt a couple of doting, hot steps on his soft, fishy stingray back! "Youch!" He exclaimed. Then, upon an in-built primal reflex, he swung that dangerous tail of his. Afterwards, he noticed that the barb on the tip of his tail, punctured whatever crawled on his back! That was not enough to kill the said creature, however. His back still felt very hot, as if he was the one getting stabbed. In a mode of panic, Tim pulled his tail out of the creature, and began stabbing it over and over again! He had the slightest hint that he was attacking a crab, but throughout these few seconds, it didn’t matter much. Tim fought until he won, arose from the sand he had buried himself in, and then finally got a good look of what he had just killed. It was a crab, and it didn’t take a detective to figure that out. The crab had colors equal to that of live flames, which explained why its feet had been so heated up to begin with! But in another aspect, it didn’t make sense. Tim recalled some very bland details from his past life, and before he reincarnated into this fishy body, he had never really heard of flaming crabs. It sounded insane. Nevertheless, he was happy that he killed the puny crab. It was smaller than him, but the damage it had dealt was insane, Tim had marks on his back now, which may take a while to heal. He did not want to experience that again, the crab's death brought him peace. He even started mocking it, calling the carcass fat. "Guess that's why they call it an iguana crab, look at that ridiculous belly." [No, no.] The system was quick to correct him, [It's an ignatius crustacea, which translates to flaming crab. That's why its legs fried your back a little bit, this species is your natural predator and prey at the same time.] As the system said that, Tim remembered that he had to eat, and therefore felt nauseous. He looked at the crab, and since it was half the size smaller than him, the stab-wounds it had, made it seem all the more disgusting. Through a mouthful of barf, he asked. "Hmm, flaming crab, huh? Does that mean it's already cooked and ready for me to eat?" [No, its flesh is actually really wet and chewy. I recommend you wait until the crab cools down, though. However, if you don't see yourself adapting to this lifestyle, death is an option. Though, if you want to die, you have to starve yourself to achieve such a blessing.] The system followed along. "That doesn't sound any better," Tim said, and then just decided that he was to eat this crab. His belly was empty, and he'd rather be angry with a full stomach, rather than grumpy and hungry at the same time. This new life already seemed hard, and there was no point in making it harder. The system cooperated with him for once, she went quiet and let him be. A few minutes went by, and he noticed how the crab's flame died out through every passing moment. He associated this crab with the shocking and sudden pain he experienced, so he was happy to see it die, fully and forever! "Hehe," He smirked. Anyway, now that he was more edible, he sunk those small jaws of his, on the crab. It took a moment to break its shell, but once he got a mouthful of its meat, it didn’t taste as bad as he thought it would be. In fact, he didn’t taste anything at all, as Bluespotted Ribbon-tail Rays didn't have taste buds, apparently! This was a blessing, the more he thought about it. His belly started feeling full, and he didn’t feel disgusted as he finished the crab off. Moments later, the system informed him. [You successfully killed a flaming crab, so 1 system point has been credited to you. I encouraged you to murder a crab to begin with, so you recieve another system point as a reward.] Aside from that, she also added. [In total, you have 6 system points in your sum.] "Thanks for making me feel better about killing and eating my natural nemesis, system." He joked. The system was quiet for a while, as it seems like she was doing her own thing again. She was analyzing some information, and prepared to talk about a bunch of stuff. She said, [You ate a full-grown flaming crab, and that comes with plenty of benefits. Your Hunger Bar is at 7/15 points now, but that's not all; You're also amped up with a fraction of the crab's magical powers, at least for a little while, and I suggest you use it.] "Really? That's badass!" He exclaimed. However, as he wiggled around in excitement, he shot out the bit of power he had stolen. A tiny fireball shot out of his barb, and just diminished as it arose up the salty waters. "Oh shit, I messed up, didn't I?" He sighed. He felt stupid that he lost the only bit of magical powers he could attain, but rather than arguing about it, the system worked with him on this. She said, [Your bodily conditions are working against you a bit. You can't focus, and with that tiny mind of yours, not being able to focus adds up on your stack of daily problems. With that considered, I recommend that you bury yourself as much as you can, and just sleep for a little while.] "You don't have to tell me twice," He said. The meat he ate was finally weighing on his stomach. It made him feel warm, a bit cozy, and surely comfortable. He could use a nap right now! ... Upon opening his eyes, Timmy spotted a big fishy face right in front of him, that was glaring all the way down to his little soul. Worse yet, this fish carried a pair of terribly shiny jaws! In response, he peeped a bubley complaint, and demanded to know. "What's that?" [I recognize some species of shark, but I can't give you any specific information right now. If I am to analyze this thing properly, then you need to bite the shark.] She said. Tim would rather not do that, and instead, he asked. "Can I outswim it? I don't want to know who its uncles are right now." The system did not answer to that, at least not immediately. She was carrying out her own procedures, and was quite greedy with any forms of information. Tim however, didn't have any time to waste. The shark was getting curious, it started head-budding his spine, which couldn't be a good thing at all. He responded quite primitively, and stung the shark right on the face! This was the best he could do.Related Chapters
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 3 - The momentum
The shark reacted immediately. Once it got stung by Tim, it jerked its head left and right, then it quickly swam away. A two-inch deep stab was quite effective from the looks of it, very painful. "Feels like I stabbed that fucker with my ass," He joked, while in utter stress. However, he couldn’t have killed that shark with one stab alone, it was impossible. So necessarily, Tim was still in danger! The shark circled back, within half a minute. It was either looking for trouble, or a meal, but either way this was really problematic! The shark had to be at least two meters long, and it seemingly had powers too. Its fins left a line of fire across the water, regardless of how fire wasn't supposed to lit up down here. It was scary, and overall, Tim didn't stand a chance! He stabbed the thing, by pure luck to begin with, it had nothing to do with skill. Seconds later, it charged towards him! The shark exploded with speed within a couple of seconds, and it would be a terrible idea to s
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 4 - Pinpoint
Spiders always looked creepy, the ones of the sea even more so. However, Tim tried to put his discomfort aside for survival’s sake. He did so, and ended up eating seven whole ‘sea spiders’! He ate so many of them, because they weren’t so filling, they didn’t have any fat on them. Their long legs were inedible, so he only chomped through their small, red main bodies. He didn’t have to fight them in order to eat them, as these ‘spiders’ were as stupid as one would assume! This was an easy, but surely creepy meal. The system spammed him with some information afterwards. [You successfully killed and consumed seven marble shrimps, so in total, you get 14 points of health out of them. Of course, your hunger needs have been fulfilled as well.] “Health, huh? So that’s why I was feeling better… This isn’t temporary, right? I don’t want to feel like crap after an hour or, whatever.” He asked. His concern was valid. A tiny stingray didn’t have a complex system of pain receptors, but the few
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 5 - Just in time
Tim squeezed within the reef and its many contents, in search for easy points. He swam around for three hours, quite carefully, but hadn't managed to find as many creatures as he hoped to find. He just found a few more marble shrimps, and half of them had been in his den. They seemingly were the most abundant creatures in a fifty-meter radius, but their numbers weren’t infinite. He only killed twelve of them, but avoided eating most of them, because he didn’t want to exhaust himself too quickly with their negative side-effects.Tim avoided utter exhaustion as long as he could, but yet again, swimming around slowly and carefully for three hours straight, wasn't easy at all. He got tired, and used his last bit of energy to swim back to his den. Then, he fell asleep.It was a good idea to relax for a while. Tim wasn’t hungry, and his health went up by six points too, because of the few shrimp he ate. For that matter he could sleep peacefully.He went to sleep while hearing a brief notif
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 6 - Health, -10
Tim searched the flat sea-floor for about five minutes, and within this time bracket, he found three urchins. Each of them had different colors, one of them was even purple, so without risking his own health in the process, he had to figure out which urchin was the bubonic one.He wanted to charge towards one of the urchins like a barbarian, but he had to resist those fishy urges. The urchins couldn’t crawl away, after all, so he didn’t have a reason to rush things. He approached one of the urchins, and almost took a bite out of it. Common sense advised him otherwise, however, at the very last second. The urchin’s spines were spiky, so undoubtedly, it would be dangerous to put his mouth on its spines! It was beyond dangerous, actually, it was stupid.“Hmm… can’t trick me!” He exclaimed. Tim debated on how he should approach this urchin, and after half a minute, he remembered that his tail was practically charged with thunder! It may be useful against an urchin, but only if this shoc
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 7 - Essence Points?
"Explorative soul, huh? What's that for?" Tim asked.He was stumped. In fact, for a good few hours he even believed that stingrays didn't have souls to begin with, he had been convinced about that. For that matter, he didn’t have the slightest clue now, regarding what a little stingray could do with a soul of their own! He was confused.Thankfully, the system shed a bit of light on the matter, she said. [The explorative soul ability, allows you to go into a hibernation-like state, and after that you can detach your soul from your body. Overall, it's a very good method to accumulate system points quickly, and explore this expansive, magical world as well, without hurting yourself in the process.]"The world… you mean, I can float out of the sea, and hunt birds or some shit?" He asked.[Yes, although that would be unproductive.] The system followed along, [There are whole, invisible kingdoms made out of souls and soul-based energy, so it's best if you go visit one of those spots, rather
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 8 - Semi-automatic Stingray!
Tim was astounded by what this world had to offer. The air, apparently, wasn't as bland as he imagined. It looked clear, yes, but further away the sky had more to offer!"Fucking hell, everything looks like a rainbow…" He thought.Tim could see multiple colors across the sky, and these colors were spread randomly. They looked like clouds, even, and each of these huge clouds were divided by color. Some clouds appeared softer, while a smaller percentage seemed very concentrated, and dense. They were interesting.Tim eventually flew into one of the latter! He flew into a pink, five-meter wide cloud which was dense in color, as it was fairly concentrated into that limited, five-meter wide space. He was really curious about it, and at that pace, he figured out what it was for!One would assume that it was stupid to fly towards a funny-looking cloud, but it wasn't so bad after all. Tim experienced the cloud's effects first hand, and thankfully, it didn’t kill him, neither did it try to.
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 9 - Special Crabs?
Tim returned to his stingray body, and now, he had a lot of time to kill before he could explore again. The wonders which were sandwiched between the sky enthralled him, so he couldn’t wait to get up there again, a week from now! Exploring the skies may get boring at some point, but the rewards were plenty! Tim gathered up a bunch of system points while he was up there, for example, and that was the best reward of all. He intended to use those points fully, but he wasn't in a rush right now. Upgrades were expensive, so he hoped to find a couple more critters to kill first, before going on a shopping spree later on! It was a responsible idea. "Ah, this'll be more than boring, it'll be exhausting…" He sighed. It wasn't easy to swim for extended periods of time, but right now, he didn’t really have anything better to do. Tim stretched his fins a bit, and then started exploring the reef! This place was massive, especially since it had complimenting cracks and tunnels within it, whic
I'm a Stingray? Chapter 10 - Fish Vendetta
What Timothy was about to do, took a lot of guts. He was about to encounter that big mako-shark, and this encounter could end up badly, but he was simply mesmerized by the idea of ‘special crabs’! He wanted them.He found the shark lurking about fifty meters away from the reef, and then approached him. Tim felt uncomfortable about this plan, but he had to get close in order to catch the shark’s attention."Hey, flame-ass! Harold the eel needs your help, he sent me to find you!" He shouted.However, a stingray’s vocal cords were very limited, so he couldn't make any loud noises. For that matter, he had to approach even closer, and then yell out once more. He called out, “Hey, fish face! Harold needs your help! Can you hear me?”Tim was about ten meters away from the shark now, and this was as close as he could get. If he swam any closer, then Drake the shark may attack, and he surely didn’t want to get bitten today. Thankfully though, the shark seemed to have heard him. It turned aro
Latest Chapter
Chapter 339 - The Yield
The team had eight-hundred full grown Mana Roots at their disposal. It was time to harvest the fruit of their labor, and it so happens that their labor included immense battles and worldwide travel, so the rewards that they were about to reap seemed all the more meritable!However, they were also aware that eight-hundred roots were too much for them to harvest all together, as the roots outnumbered them around ninety to one! They couldn’t harvest the entire farm even if they tried, so after chatting with Genta for a little bit, they came to the agreement to let the goblins, Coral Destroyers, and basically every other species who had helped form, or protect this farm one way or the other to have a slice of this goodness! It was only fair, as by all odds, the nine of them wouldn't be able to harvest even half of the roots, nonetheless all of it.Anyway, In order to avoid messing with each other's mana intake, the group spread apart from each other, laid in the comfortable, sandy ground
Chapter 338 - Garry's banter
After Timothy and his friends sat down with each other, he caught up with what had happened to them. They were caught by surprise by two waves of attacks, and hadn't been able to fight back properly.Timothy was beyond surprised that even a two-headed demonic dragon hadn't been able to help them, but then he remembered that serpentine creatures of any sort were difficult to deal with. They were tough, and more often than not, the average fireball wasn't enough to kill them. A good example was that he hated Sea Orcs for the very same reason!Sea Orcs may not be one-hundred feet long like those three amphipteres that he just killed, but they were widder, bulkier. He would need to use a very specific combination of his abilities in order to kill them, and the fact of the matter was that he hadn't even killed a Sea Orc yet, despite the fact that he had run into a few of them in the past.With all of that considered, he decided to go easy on his friends. He didn’t tease them as much after
Chapter 337 - "Let me unseal your butt-cheeks!"
Timothy found the rest of the team, two kilometers away from the beach. Essentially, he saved them from the grave danger that those Arctic Amphipteres posed, or at the very least, he saved Skendus from essentially being eaten alive. The amphipteres had caught up with the team a moment ago, and they would have only needed to pick up on the team’s scent, in order to emerge out of the water and finish what they started.The monsters met their match. Timothy even stopped them from heading towards the reef, and due to this fact alone, he had prevented a massive battle that could’ve erupted back home, if he hadn’t ran into the monsters here! He saved more than one life today, that was for sure.Anyway, he noticed that Skendus wasn't in top form right now. A short conversation with him helped confirm that he wasn’t healthy, and that there was something wrong with his brain.“They bit my noggin,” Skendus said.Confused, Timothy rubbed his giant mole of a friend's head, and said, “Well, I don'
Chapter 336 - Timothy Back-breaker!
Gustav, Skendus, Ortana and Fortana made their way along the coastline. They walked west, because the reef was in that direction, so they knew they’d be a lot safer soon, under the protection of their many friends and allies. The battle that they had gone through today was traumatizing, and they were still feeling the cold despite being more than a kilometer away from the battle scene, so this was a day that they weren’t going to forget anytime soon. They were happy that they survived, but the humiliation they felt grew stronger after every other minute. Most of them had dealt with dragons before, in fact they’ve fought dragons that were a lot deadlier, such as Iron-Claw the Wicked, but they had not suffered such humiliation. When they remembered that those three amphipteres tried to kill them in the most simple way possible, solely depending on instincts rather than any advanced combination of magical know-how, they felt even more embarrassed.Gustav even wanted revenge, but he was
Chapter 335 - "Where Skendus?"
“Where's my reward system? I killed a giant fucking jellyfish here, haha!” He asked.Quick as a flash, she answered, [The mana god killed the Luminous Terror Jellyfish, not you. You must understand that without divine intervention, your fireballs would've been useless in the prior situation.]“Well, shit.” He grunted. “I would've probably gotten a million system points if I killed this bastard myself. I picked a bad time to go on a fucking picnic in Mundi.”Timothy wasn’t happy about the matter at all. Not only did he walk into a raging battlefield, and helped deliver the killing blow to a giant monster, but he also had to do all of that with his butt-cheeks frozen shut! He felt that he had to be compensated better, but he pushed those sour feelings of expectation down, and was happy that he experienced a level-up in his mana pool instead.Anyway, once the battle was over, everyone made good use of the jellyfish insides. Its insides only contained a fraction of what was left of its ma
Chapter 334 - Fintelus' Blessing
“Fire is unity, fire is the peacekeeper, and we seek such peace! We ask the mana gods to bind our fire, and so we shall destroy the great evil that is upon us!” Genta recited.The situation had developed into where they had to use a spoken-word spell, because as it happens, their mere powers alone weren't enough to kill the beast, before it killed everything in a three-kilometer wide radius. They had to be quick!Timothy wasn’t so keen on begging the mana gods, he wasn’t in speaking terms with them. Well, he hadn't begged them in a while.However, the situation they were in required some sacrifice, even though his ego was the only thing that he had to sacrifice in the exchange. He had popped up into the battle scene just a moment ago, but he trusted Genta enough to follow her lead. For that matter, he repeated, “Fire is unity, fire is the peacekeeper, and we seek such peace! We ask the mana gods to bind our fire, and so we shall destroy the great evil that is upon us!”Timothy was al
Chapter 333 - Desperate Jellyfish!
Once the Luminous Terror Jellyfish was ‘beached’ at the front edge of the reef, the happiness that Genta felt was beyond measure! If joy was a measurable gas, she would've exploded already. Better yet, the jellyfish was stuck, and it was too heavy to move itself on the count that most of its body was already out of the water. It tried to use its hundreds of remaining tentacles to set itself free, but its efforts were futile, as its body was officially too heavy to move without exerting some great effort! The jellyfish blew out more than half of its mana pool while it was airborne, and now, it wasn't keen on wasting the rest of it just to break loose.“Shocked, aren’t ya? Ya big bastard!” Genta shouted, as she beamed back and forth the edge of the reef, cutting off as many tentacles as she could, further immobilizing the jellyfish. “Did you really think I'd give my farm up that easily? You gross bastard!”Genta, and everyone else in her command surely had an advantage now, and they we
Chapter 332 - Five-hundred meters long tentacles!
The Luminous Terror Jellyfish was dangerously close to the reef. As of now, it was eighty meters away from it, and it was mere seconds away from meeting with the long wall that the Coral Destroyers have put up. The temperatures as of now had dropped down to -30°C at the front edge of the reef, and this was enough to kill off most species in no time. However, Genta and everyone else around her stood strong! They used fire to keep themselves warm, and were wise enough to know that the jellyfish couldn’t afford to drop the temperatures of the water around it any lower, because it would end up blocking its own path with thick layers of ice. With the current temperature, the jellyfish would have almost an hour of wiggle room to go to the Mana Root farm, and back, without breaking much of a sweat. Its demeanor was much like a floating megatank, and it was confident that nothing could stop it. It had plenty of reasons to believe in its own capabilities, because the two-hundred Aqus Goblins
Chapter 331 - "What the frick?"
Gustav became desperate once he came to the realization that he and his friends might not survive. They weren’t only dealing with cold water and ice here, but they were also dealing with temperatures that continued dropping, despite how illogical that may seem. Fire wasn't enough to keep them warm. He unleashed every bit of fire that he could, without having to kill his friends in the process, but they had felt the warmth of the burning fire only for a second, before the temperatures dropped back down to -50°C!Things were not getting better. The only thing that would save them now, was if they escaped this icy trap, and fled. No matter how great a mage one could be, there were little ways to fight such intensive cold temperatures, and live to tell the tale! They had to act quickly. Gustav blasted fire out of every limb that he had, and he even blew a lot of it through his mouth, and just like that, he bought the group the slightest chance to survive. He melted the ice and water that