Amon hissed as Damon stood defiant before him in direct challenge, “I could destroy you Damon!”

“So be it!” Damon stood his ground, unwavering . His features altered in his rage. He now looked like a true Vampire. His eyes turned crimson as Amon’s. His long canines found their way down from the recesses of his skull and pushed their way past the normal length of his other teeth to show the most naïve of mortals who he really was. Waiting for the impact he assumed a defensive stance.

Amon watched Damon regain complete control of himself in his vampiric state. He almost smiled as he took a step back conceding to the confrontation.

Damon couldn’t believe what he was seeing and he himself backed down.

“It is different to see you use your power without urging you to do so. You have never challenged me before.”

“I have never had a reason.” Damon features began to return to that of a normal man. He still couldn
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