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Natalie shuddered with fear as the dark demoness stepped forward. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Latoya asked in mock innocence.Gabriel glanced over his shoulder at Aiden and Latoya, and gently laid Natalie on the floor. He pulled his long black coat off and carefully wrapped her in it before he scooped her up.Natalie tried to ignore her throbbing body as he stood and shifted her in his arms. The pain from everything Ellish had done to her was still fresh, though not as sharp as it should have been. Her shoulder screamed when she was jostled, was the “inner” pain that hurt most. All of her blood vessels shook, and the underside of her skin trembled from the seizure-like state and the burning sensation that had coursed through her. Her mind still reeled from Ellish’ invasion, and she was so weak.Somehow what he’d done to her body paled in comparison to the rest of it. She remembered him laughing at her “primitive fears” and saying that he could do something much more terrible to her.
The year 1301.The noise of the growing mob outside swelled louder. A muted roar made by hundreds of angry voices chanting for the death of he and his kind.Death to his kind.This was the day his kind had dreaded for centuries, A day mankind would discover their existence and stand against them to wipe them from the face of the Earth.It was not only his kind that were endangered, the other species were endangered too.The shapeshifters, the ones who had soul ties with different animals, enabling them to be half animal, half man.They were called after any animal they shared soul ties with, they always rose up against his kind for centuries with endless bloody battles ensuring between them, out of all the shapeshifters, the werewolves had been the most friendly to his kind, all the other shapeshifters hated his kind, they never wanted to have anything doing with the undead or as they were popularly called, The vampires.Damon looked over at the young girl by his side as she shivered
Violet grey eyes watched the amber liquid swirl in the thick crystal glass. Every now and then they shifted to the busy boulevard outside the limousine. He smiled to himself; it was a typical Friday night in Portland Oregon everyone and their dog were out tonight. That’s one of the reasons Damon liked living here because the only difference between the night and day was the light. Then the crowds would shift from the streets to the clubs and provided him the cover he needed.Damon was on his way to a late gathering himself but it wasn’t a nightclub. At least not this time.He took a drink from the glass and shifted gaze shifted to a group of four young men walking along the sidewalk, obviously with too much liquor in them by the way they clung to each other to keep themselves upright.He gave a faint smile at the lewd whoops and hollers they emitted as they passed by a group of young ladies. Physically Damon looked about their age, when in fact he was much older, and usually he liked
“This is stupid, I can’t do this.” Liya looked at the clothes her friends Aya and Anna had dressed her in, “This just isn’t me.”“You can be so difficult. It’s time you got your nose out of those dammed books and had some fun.” Aya reluctantly admitted to herself that Liya looked prettier than she thought she would. Aya was the only daughter of a wealthy business man and was used to getting what she wanted. She had spent the last two years in and out of universities such as this one. She preferred the night-life and her numerous boyfriends over a solid healthy education. When she flunked out of school her father would make a large contribution and get her in another one. She openly admitted that she had little use for anything or anyone that didn’t serve her purpose. That originally meant girls like Liya.That is until Liya ended up her dorm roommate.She had begged her father to not have her live in the dorms, but her father thought she could learn something from being among real peo
Eric logadd sat on one of the big crates that filled the endless building. He was a stubby man with a thick moustache, ruddy cheeks and dark brown eyes. He was richly dressed in a double breasted dark grey pinstriped suit. One of his hands was tucked inside the jacket. Two heavily armed men stood on either side of him.“I was informed this meeting would be private.” He kept his expression serious. The man may have been wearing a four thousand dollar suit, but he still looked like a grease ball to him.Eric laughed, “of course, Mr. Baal, but this is a private meeting.” He stood up holding his arms out in a welcoming gesture. I am an important man, I need protection,” he nodded toward Nathan, “just as you do.”“Of course”, Damon forced a smile and opened his suit jacket, “however, as you can see we are not carrying any weapons.” We are the weapons, he thought.“Well, you must be careful of your friends when you are in a position such as I am. I know you can understand that.” Eric didn’t
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Liya had a horrible time. The house was packed mostly with people several years older than her. Aya and Anna got lost in the crowd as soon as they entered the house and her rear end was already grabbed at least a dozen times in less than an hour. She was feeling very exposed in the dress and humiliated at being treated like a piece of meat,tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to fight them back while looking for Anna. She saw Aya through the crowd giggling and surrounded by at least five young men who were utterly captivated by her beauty. She watched her for a moment contemplating interrupting so they could leave, but couldn’t’ bring herself to ruin Aya’s evening just because she was miserable. When she found a hole in the mob she made her way outside a smile on her face as the cool breeze gently washed over her,she found her way to the back of the house facing the beach. A well lit large deck had surrounded the back of the house with a stairca
Towards Dawn, Damon lay back in his bed; his arms were folded behind his head as he stared, deep in thought at the crimson velvet canopy overhead. The events of the night flashing through his head, when they were done feeding on the dead men, they shoved the remains of the corpses in a small crate that required some creative folding and bone breaking. They tossed the guns on top of the lifeless bodies and Damon knotted several metal bands around it as easily as he was tying a shoelace. Then he effortlessly piled another three dozen, two to three hundred pound crates around and on top of it to hide the evidence. Of course no one will make the discovery for several months or even years, and by then the bodies will be too decomposed to make identification of their deaths. When they left the building, Damon’ limousine and driver were already waiting thanks to Nathan. They got in the car which pulled out of the docks and headed in the direction of home. Damo
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Natalie shuddered with fear as the dark demoness stepped forward. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Latoya asked in mock innocence.Gabriel glanced over his shoulder at Aiden and Latoya, and gently laid Natalie on the floor. He pulled his long black coat off and carefully wrapped her in it before he scooped her up.Natalie tried to ignore her throbbing body as he stood and shifted her in his arms. The pain from everything Ellish had done to her was still fresh, though not as sharp as it should have been. Her shoulder screamed when she was jostled, was the “inner” pain that hurt most. All of her blood vessels shook, and the underside of her skin trembled from the seizure-like state and the burning sensation that had coursed through her. Her mind still reeled from Ellish’ invasion, and she was so weak.Somehow what he’d done to her body paled in comparison to the rest of it. She remembered him laughing at her “primitive fears” and saying that he could do something much more terrible to her.
He shook her violently so that her teeth clacked together. “What do you have to say to that? Do you still want to insist on your innocence? Where is that device?” He clawed at her body with his free hand.“I don’t have any ... device!” she cried. Tears Stabbed her swollen eyes and the room swam. She didn’t understand why he was doing this again.“Liar!” He threw her to the floor. Her elbows locked painfully, but she saved her face from slamming into the concrete.She tried to roll away, but he knelt down quickly and grabbed a handful of her hair in his fist. He used it to pull her head back and force her to look at him. “Where is it?”“There isn’t one! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”Cain stood behind them, his arms crossed over his chest and a sneer on his face. “Then how did he find us?”He? Could they mean…? A white hot spark of hope filmed inside her. “He’s here?” she asked, unable to stop he
The vampire who’d spoken a moment ago asked, “How doyou know she was ever at his den? Surely Aiden is smart enough to keep her in a less incriminating place?”“Now you’re suggesting Miles lied?”Ellish asked lightly. “Or do you suggest his brother lied to him?Do you think he made up a false location, intending to go andretrieve her himself and return her for his freedom? Are youimplying he intended to let his brother die for his sins?”The vampire looked exasperated. “I don’t know whatI’m implying. I wasn’t here when you interrogated Miles.”“You’d be sorry you missed it,” Cain commented,snickering. “He screamed and begged– ”“Enough.” Ellish motioned him to silence. “Miles Informed me that the plan was Aiden’s from the beginning, as part of our little war. He and Marcus were brought into it, so to speak.”Natalie tensed at the mention of Marcus’s name,but she tried hard not to make her interest obvious. Did this h
The room was a large one, like an open basement complete with cement floor. A glowing chandelier hung above her andin front of her sat a large wicker chair. Draped lazily in it was ayoung man who might have been sixteen. He had blonde hair, coldgreen eyes and a face made for boredom, snobbery, and cruelty. Hewas flanked by two large men. A host of others were visible outsidethe ring of light, all moving closer and gazing curiously at thenew prisoner.“Who is she?” the boy in the chair drawled. Hisvoice was bored and peevish.Cain answered from behind Natalie’s prone body,“It’s Marcus’s human, the one Gabriel’s claiming now.” He snickeredand prodded her in the side with the toe of his boot.“Interesting.” The blonde stood from the chair andwalked towards her languidly. “What’s so special about her that twomen would go to such effort?” He walked around her in anever-tightening circle and finally bent down to examine her faceclosely.
Natalie sought a nonexistent escape and tried to figure out what she was going to do. Despite LaToya’s concern,she doubted Gabriel would return in time to save her. He’d alwayscome before, just when she had no hope left, but somehow she couldfeel that he wasn’t going to this time. And when he didn’t whatwould happen? Would they really take her to Ellish? Would he kill her? Was this really how her life was going to end, to die in a pool of blood and terror?LaToya stood over her looking thoughtful, then suggested casually, “She has enough blood on her to look like a battle, but you should rough her up a little to make it more convincing.”Cain nodded in the affirmative and grinned. “Don’tworry. I’m sure she’ll be plenty roughed up by the time we getthere.” He turned his head and called over his shoulder, “Won’t sheboys?” Two voices agreed with him from the obstructed depths of themotel room.Natalie’s stomach dropped at the sound of
Natalie woke. She blinked in the dimness, her eyesdrawn to the open bathroom door. Light flooded out of it and gaveshape and depth to the small motel room.Gabriel was still next to her on his back, his arms under her head. His dark lashes lay on his pale cheeks and hisraven hair pooled against the crisp white pillowcase. He wascovered from the waist down in the ugly bedspread and the bathroomlight gleamed on the smooth expanse of his chest.She looked away from him to the water stainedceiling. She closed her eyes tightly to blot out the world andasked herself the requisite “what have I done?” morning-afterquestion, only she truthfully felt no regret. It was simply a gameshe played out of habit, a society imposed guilt complex thatfailed to actually make her feel guilty. No, she knew what she’ddone and she wasn’t even slightly sorry, only vaguely excited atthe warm memories.She rolled towards him and tentatively brushed hisnaked f
After the strange silence in the warehouse, the car seemed too loud. Gabriel’s anger was palpable; the air seemed to pulse with it. Natalie didn’t know what to say to make it better.She stuttered a question, “Aiden wouldn’t really…” but couldn't bring herself to finish it. Would Aiden really kill her because his wife had been killed? As if it was all Gabriel’s fault.“No,” Gabriel said with force. “He wouldn't dare.”She nodded but found no more words for fear of enraging him more. She wasn’t afraid that he’d hurt her, or even be mean to her. In truth she wasn’t sure what she was afraid of, but she didn’t want to make him any angrier. They pulled into the motel and, after parking the car, walked around behind the building to their windowless room.Once they were inside, Gabriel shut the door and clicked all of the locks into place. He absently ran his fingers through his long,dark hair before he threw himself on
The silence was so thick she felt she would choke on it. Her ears strained for every tiny sound: a rat scampering across the floor, the breeze whistling softly through the broken windows,the flap of a sheet of plastic that hung against the wall. Her eyes searched the gloom and she tried not to jump at every shadow.Really, she didn’t understand why Gabriel’s business couldn’t have been in a nice restaurant, or at least somewhere with electricity!She was so busy eyeing a pile of mysterious refuse that she didn’t notice Gabriel stop suddenly and ended up bumping into him. He held his body rigid, so completely still that Natalieswore his heart had even stopped beating.Her search for the gloom revealed nothing, but her clutch on his sleeve grew tighter. She opened her mouth to ask what was going on when he broke the silence with a single word,“Latoya.”The woman seemed to appear from nothing. Her dark skin gleamed in the pale light, a
Gabriel joined her. “Here,” he said as he handed her one of the motel keys. “Go on in. I have something to attend to but then I’ll be alone.”She opened her mouth to ask him what pressing errand waited for him elsewhere, but thought better of it. She didn’t see anyone in the gloomy shadows, but how did she know that some creature of the night wasn’t camouflaged in the darkness? Ifvampires were real, then what other monsters from the nightmares of humanity were lurking and listening to them?He walked down the sidewalk and she watched him until he turned sharply, and disappeared around the far side of the building. Her curiosity piqued, she thought about following him,but resisted the urge. The memories of the vampire manor were still too fresh in her mind.The key didn’t want to fit into the scarred lock,but finally it surrendered with a groaning click, and she opened the door and was met by the smell of stale cigarette smoke. Shewished she