The car pulled up to the grand Davidson mansion, its towering pillars and ornate gates were imposing against the bright sky.

Oliver Darbë winced as he tried to sit up, the pain from his injuries made every movement of his very agonizing.

"Can you help me?" he asked the driver, with a voice that was barely above a whisper.

The driver nodded, quickly getting out and coming around to open the back door.

Carefully, the driver and the assistant helped Oliver out of the car. He leaned heavily on them, wincing with each step as they made their way up the mansion's long driveway.

The front door opened before they reached it, and a manservant stepped out. His eyes widened at the sight of Oliver's battered form.

"Please, come in," the manservant said, hurrying to support Oliver on his other side.

They guided him into the grand entrance hall, its marble floors and chandeliers were very much unlike the rough ordeal he had just endured.

"Where is Mrs. Davidson?" Oliver asked, his voice was str
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