The Harte Boers, descended from their armored vehicles with precision and swiftness.

They moved like a well-oiled machine, their faces hidden behind masks and their eyes were focused and determined.

As they approached the building that held Romeo and his men, they unleashed a torrent of gunfire, with their automatic weapons roaring in a chaotic symphony.

Bullets shattered windows and riddled the walls, sending shards of glass and debris flying.

The gunfire was intense and violent, cutting down multiple Mondosh soldiers who were caught off guard.

The once-quiet base was now a battlefield, filled with the deafening sound of gunshots and the cries of the wounded.

Francois Viljoen, the leader of the Harte Boers operation, stood tall amidst the chaos.

His sharp eyes scanned the battlefield, taking in every detail. He barked orders to his men, with a voice that was calm but commanding. "RPGs to the main door! We need to breach it and get inside!" he shouted.

A group of men quickly asse
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