General Stormbreaker turned back to Jane and said, "He plays the guitar well."

Just then, a young boy walked up to Romeo, standing at attention. Romeo chuckled and said, "Hey, my good young friend, how are you?"

"I am good, sir," the boy answered with innocence.

Before Romeo could respond further, the boy leaned close and whispered something in his ear. Romeo’s eyes widened in shock, but he quickly composed himself and smiled, "Very well, young man."

The boy then pointed at Joseph Schultz. Romeo looked at Joseph Schultz who was standing a distance away from where he was sitting and nodded curtly.

It didn't take long before the young boy left the place where Romeo was.

General Stormbreaker had been provided with a very vital information.

Jane Davidson, upon noticing the exchange, asked, "So, what do you think about your drink? Hope it suits your taste?"

"Oh this?" Romeo pointed at the wine. "Of course I will take it." Romeo took a generous sip from the glass, savoring the rich, velvet
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