General Stormbreaker awoke in his opulent bedroom at a time when the sunlight filtered softly through the heavy curtains.

He felt disoriented, a lingering drowsiness clinging to him. With a groan, he pushed himself upright, rubbing his eyes and stretching out the stiffness from his limbs.

The rich fabric of his sheets felt foreign, and he struggled to shake off the foggy haze clouding his mind.

Once he had gathered his bearings, he shuffled into the adjacent kitchen.

With practiced ease, he brewed a fresh pot of coffee, whose rich aroma filled the air and momentarily dispelling the remnants of his disorientation.

He poured the steaming liquid into a fine glass tea cup, and the warmth of the coffee was comforting against his cold hands.

As he carried the cup into his living room, he paused briefly to glance around, noting the grandeur of his surroundings.

He sank into a plush armchair and picked up his phone from a side table, dialing a number with a sense of urgency.

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